The 2011 CAP announcement is available HERE.
- Project List - includes status information
- Project Maps - Interactive map
or PDF map
- 2011 Projects Factsheet (PDF format)
2011 Categories
Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
This category provides support to organizations with NSDI knowledge and experience to assist others in geospatial metadata implementation. Implementation projects may include the development of training materials in coordination with the NSDI Training Program and/or training delivery via workshops, presentation, or online applications with an outreach component which includes but not require a presentation at a local, regional, or national conference. Outreach specific projects include the development/enhancement of informative, collaborative or promotional Web sites, networks, documents, and/or applications. Up to $25,000 per project with 50% in-kind match. Catagory contact: Jennifer Carlino,
Central Florida GIS Workshop, Inc.
Oviedo, FL
Stanimira BourovaIowa Geographic Information Council
Ames, IA
James GiglieranoNorthern Arizona University/Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research
Flagstaff, AZ
Paul Heinrich
Category 2: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
For FGDC-endorsed standards, there are few, if any, resources or materials that can be used to guide users in implementation. Without materials or resources that provide best practices and provide experienced advice and new techniques, an implementing organization has a steep learning curve. The goal of the category is to facilitate implementation of an FGDC-endorsed standard in user communities. The awarded projects will create implementation guides, training materials, and/or outreach materials. Up to $25,000 per project with 50% in-kind match. Catagory contact: Julie Binder Maitra,
Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District
New Philadelphia, Ohio
John OlivierSpatial Focus, Inc.
University Park, MD
Martha WellsVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University/Conservation Management Institute
Blacksburg, VA
Scott Klopfer
Category 3: Fifty States Initiative: Strategic and Business Plan Development
Projects in the category will develop and implement statewide strategic and business plans that will facilitate the coordination of programs, policies, technologies, and resources that enable the coordination, collection, documentation, discovery, distribution, exchange and maintenance of geospatial information in support of the NSDI and the objectives of the Fifty States Initiative Action Plan. Up to $50,000 per project with 50% in-kind match. Catagory contact: Arista Maher,
New Jersey
Andrew RowanTennessee
Dennis Pedersen
Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Projects in this category will develop and implementation statewide business plans that advance the statewide spatial data infrastructure (SSDI) or the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) while increasing Federal involvement in statewide geospatial planning and implementation activities. Up to $40,000 per project with 50% in-kind match. Catagory contact: Arista Maher,
Scott GregoryFlorida
Jared CausseauxIdaho-Montana
Keith WeberLouisiana
Craig JohnsonMinnesota
David ArbeitWest Virginia
Diana LongWisconsin
Howard VereginUtah
Spencer Jenkins
Category 5: Return on Investment (ROI) Methodology and Business Case Development for Multi-agency NSDI Projects
Statewide geospatial initiatives generally require the planning and participation of multiple agencies in order to reap the desired benefits, yet representatives of disparate agencies will have varied understanding of financial analysis for projects. This cooperative effort would provide training in ROI methodology to participating agencies, through a series of webinars, a two-day kick-off workshop and follow-up evaluations of project progress, designed to facilitate project decision making based on the development of a detailed business case comprised of costs and benefits to the individual agencies. Ongoing support would be provided to agencies as they develop their financial analysis, with the business case for the multi-agency project provided as a final report in text and spreadsheet format. The methodology presented would leverage multi-agency financial analysis methodology previously developed by FGDC in cooperation with Geospatial Information Technology Association (GITA). The deliverables are an ROI case study describing the project, including the details of collecting metrics to support the financial analysis; completed ROI spreadsheets for individual participating agencies; financial analyses summary, and a multi-agency business case for the project comprised of the rollup from all individual spreadsheets as well as analysis of tangible and strategic benefits of the project. Up to $60,000 per project with 50% in-kind match. Catagory contact: Scott Van Hoff,
State of Maine, Maine Office of GIS (MEGIS)
Augusta, ME
Michael SmithMultnomah County, Oregon
Portland, OR
Amy EsnardNew York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services - Office of Cyber Security
Albany, NY
Tim Ruhren
Category 6: FGDC Standards Development Assistance
This category provides funding to organizations to assist in the development of standards registered in the FGDC standards program of work (refer to The project outcome should result in the advancement of a standard project to a milestone in the FGDC standards process: committee draft, public review draft, final draft, or FGDC-endorsed standard. Up to $25,000 per project with 50% in-kind match. Catagory contact: Julie Binder Maitra,
Arlington, VA
Kathleen L. Goodin
See the CAP Project Administrative Guidance for information about correspondence, reimbursement, modifications, and reporting for the CAP.
Contact for general questions about the NSDI CAP: Gita Urban-Mathieux (NSDI CAP Coordinator)