FGDC Virtual Forum December 9, 2009

  • Virtual Forum
When Dec 09, 2009
from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
Where On-line Webinar
Contact Name
Attendees Federal Government Geospatial Executives
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The first in a series of planned virtual forums, the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) is sponsoring a Virtual Forum on December 9, 2009 in order to bring together federal government geospatial executives to engage in discussion about the development of a national place-based policy that addresses economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, community health access, and safety and security.  The August 11, 2009 White House memorandum to department and agency heads -- entitled "Developing Effective Place-Based Policies for the FY 2011 Budget" -- emphasizes the need to leverage place-based policies for better policy planning in a variety of issue areas.  

The topic for discussion for the initial FGDC Forum will be the Whitehouse memorandum and the geospatial community's role in helping shape the future of place-based policies. This Forum is intended for federal government geospatial executives only; future Forums will be targeted to other stakeholder groups with interests in policy issues. The event is hosted on-line, lasting one hour, and includes a brief introductory presentation followed by a facilitated discussion between panelists and participants. We hope that you will join us in this exciting endeavor to discuss how best the federal geospatial community can contribute to enabling "locally-driven, integrated, and place-conscious solutions guided by meaningful measures."*

* Orszag, Peter; Barnes, Melody; Carrion, Adolfo; and Summers, Lawrence.  M-09-28: "Developing Effective Place-Based Policies for the FY 2011 Budget." White House Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies.  August 11, 2009. http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/assets/memoranda_fy2009/m09-28.pdf



  • Karen Siderelis, Department of Interior
  • William LeFurgy, Library of Congress
  • Jerry Johnston, US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Ivan B. DeLoatch, US Geological Survey
  • Stephen Lowe, US Department of Agriculture
Read more about the panelists



Purpose of the Forums

Utilize principles of social networking and technology tools to:

  • Conduct a series of four forums: first, with federal government geospatial program executives; second, with state, local, and tribal representatives; third, with the general public communities of interest and academic constituencies; and fourth, with industry, non-profits and lobbying stakeholders.
  • Engage in discussion about the developing a National implementation place-based policy which addresses economic competiveness, environmental sustainability, community health access and security.
  • Build awareness of and create access to existing federal government geospatial assets. 
  • Obtain broad-based input into a National geospatial policy defining the value of “place-based” government product and services.
  • Develop a sustainable space for future interactions concerning the effectiveness of place-based policies and the ongoing maturity of government geospatial solutions.
  • Refresh, communicate, and demonstrate FGDC brand as relevant, demonstrating national geospatial thought leadership.  


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