GDA | Geospatial Data Act (GDA) Reports

Geospatial Data Act Reporting 

The GDA includes requirements for multiple reports from the FGDC, from GDA covered agencies and lead covered agencies, and from agency Inspectors General. This page includes links to these GDA-required reports. Visit the GDA Plans Page for links to GDA-required FGDC and agency plans.

FGDC GDA Biennial Report to Congress

FGDC Annual Summary Reports

The FGDC Annual Summary Reports provide a summary of Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) agencies’ annual reports as required under the Geospatial Data Act of 2018 (GDA). The report summarizes the performance and accomplishments of “covered agencies” (agencies identified in the GDA as having specific geospatial management responsibilities), and “lead covered agencies” (covered agencies that also have the lead responsibility for coordination and management of National Geospatial Data Asset [NGDA] data themes) in meeting the annual reporting requirements of the GDA.

Covered Agency Annual Reports

Lead Covered Agency Theme Annual Reports

Agency Inspectors General (IG) GDA Biennial Audit Reports

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