The focus of this proposal is move Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) existing statewide 1:24,000-scale hydrography layer to geodatabase format in order to support the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).
The main objectives of this project are to:
- Complete 24K scale National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD) in geodatabase for Wisconsin
- Implement a maintenance mechanism
The resulting database will include linear and areal features and
have the following characteristics:
- Spatial representation of all water bodies depicted on 1:24000 USGS quads plus features added for correct flow modeling (but not springs, wells, wetlands)
- A linear referencing system (to support user “event” data)
- ESRI network functionality (to support tracing needs)
- surface water characteristics such as: TYPE (ditch, stream, reservoir, lake and the like), FLOW duration (perennial flow, etc.), landlocked coding
- cultural attributes: feature name (both GNIS and official state name), a feature indexing system
- database and feature level metadata (FGDC format)
- NHD attributes
WDNR 1:24,000-Scale Hydrography
Ann Schachte, Wisconsin DNR