South Dakota

South Dakota Cooperative Cadastral Initiative

The primary goal of the South Dakota Cooperative Cadastral Initiative was the production of a cadastral strategic and business plan for the State of South Dakota. The Black Hills Digital Mapping Association was the lead organization to facilitate the initiative and was the recipient of the 2007-2008 CAP grant. Assisting in this project were five other organizations: the State of South Dakota Bureau of Information and Telecommunications, the South Dakota Association of Assessing Officers, the Pennington County/Rapid City GIS Division, the Sioux Falls GIS, and the South Dakota Geological Survey.

The three main objectives of the cadastral initiative, as outlined in the grant application were:
1. Organize and conduct a two-day conference with a cadastral theme to provide educational opportunities and a forum for discussion of the development of a statewide cadastre.
2. Establish a cadastral committee composed of volunteers to draft and finalize cadastral strategic and business plan.
3. Conduct several meetings throughout the state to provide further opportunity for stakeholders to learn about the contents of the cadastral strategic and business plan to provide organizations the opportunity to formally endorse the plan through letters of commitment.

Final Report -- Cadastral Strategic and Business Plan

Interim Report  --  Vision Statement -- Action Plan -- SWOT Analysis --  2007 Conference Brochure

Black Hills Digital Mapping Association


Jenifer Sorensen
(605) 641-2581

Foster Sawyer
(605) 394-2229

Ron Wencl, USGS Geospatial Liaison for South Dakota

Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative