The goal of this project was to provide assistance and outreach in the implementation of the National Vegetation Classification Standard, Version 2 to any individuals in or around the state of Oklahoma. Targeted audiences included, but were not limited to, individuals in local, tribal, state, and federal government agencies involved in the collection and reporting of vegetation/floristic data. During the course of this project, we were able to meet all of the major objectives of this project with only minimal deviations from the original project plan.
Coordinate Solutions and the Oklahoma Biological Survey successfully completed the following objectives:
- created and distributed education materials related to the National Vegetation Classification Standard, Version 2;
- utilized existing, established online research tools to publish and
promote the new vegetation standard training materials;
updated the existing Vegetation of Oklahoma (Hoagland 2000), a vegetation classification for the state of Oklahoma based on the original National Vegetation Classification; - held workshops/trainings in Oklahoma related to the National Vegetation Classification; and
- attended several local and regional conferences to promote the implementation of the National Vegetation Classification Standard.
Final Report (PDF)
Interim Report (PDF)
Training Materials for the National Vegetation Classification Standard, Version 2.0
National Vegetation Classification Training Slides (PDF)
Project Introduction Presentation (PDF)
Coordinate Solutions, Inc.Oklahoma Biological Survey

Todd Fagin
Other contacts:
David Lowther
Dr. Bruce Hoagland