Building Stewardship Capacity for Structures and Transportation Geodata within the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure

This project will develop a process to provide structures and transportation data from Iowa to the NSDI and maintain those data layers over the long term. The project involves four main activities: 1) members of the Iowa Geographic Information Council will seek agreements for the stewardship of a structures GIS framework layer by local governments and others in Iowa, and transportation GIS framework layers by the Iowa DOT, 2) development of a GIS technical infrastructure needed to support the maintenance and stewardship of the structure data by developing a web editing service, 3) upgrading a critical ortho-imagery server used in a variety of base mapping application and data development processes throughout the state, and 4) development of a extraction and translation service to automate transportation data flow from Iowa DOT’s Linear Referencing System and Geographic Information Management System (GIMS) and store it in a centralized road centerline layer. Both the framework structure layer and transportation layer will be available through the Iowa Geospatial Data Clearinghouse a component of the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure.

Final Report (including Structure Maintenance Tool Tutorial)

Interim Report

Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC)



Jim Giglierano

Other contacts:

Anne Packard, chair IGIC

Kevin Kane, ISU