During the time period of this FGDC/USGS CAP grant, the participants in the Utah Geographic Information Council (UGIC) Standards Committee have created plans for an address point data model and a modernization of its road centerline data model. Subcommittee work groups have been created to handle these respective features. Both of these data model plans include multiple participation tiers that are designed to ensure collection of the most important statewide transportation information while suggesting additional, auxiliary information and how it might be collected.
The UGIC Standards Committee is meeting monthly and it is hoped that these data models will be recommended as statewide best practices by Sept 1, 2011.
In addition, Utah has worked with UDOT to incorporate UDOT focused attributes into the statewide roads dataset to improve interagency maintenance of the data. A process to derive a GIS representation of UDOT’s highway linear referencing system (LRS) has also been created. This work with UDOT has greatly improved the accuracy with which the state highway system is presented in the roads dataset and has enabled UDOT to derive and maintain LRS geometry that is in agreement with the larger roads dataset.
Utah has also developed a model data sharing agreement between state and local government. This agreement, while currently in use for parcel and PLSS monumentation, can be modified for the use of the emerging address point and road centerline datasets.
Final Report -- Appendix D Data Sharing MOU -- Appendix E Local Data Sharing Agreement
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Utah Transportation GIS Data, Looking Forward
Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC)
Bert Granberg
Dave Vincent, Geospatial Liaison for Utah