Ohio 50 States Initiative Strategic Planning Initiative
This project developed a strategic planning document for the Ohio Geographically Referenced information Program Council to serve as a guide to the development and maintenance of the Ohio Spatial Data Infrastructure. The project engaged Ohio’s extensive GIS user community to craft a planning document that will serve the State of Ohio and help steer the activities of the OGRIP Council.
The plan blended the development of an OSDI strategic framework, with a State Owned Real Property (SORP) management strategy, and OGRIP’s mission, to provide a practical guide and a scope within which the Council will focus its OSDI planning, development and management activities in years to come.
At the core of this project was the desire to position the Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP) to fulfill its mission to benefit the users of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial information at all levels of government and to help the GIS community realize the benefits of partnership opportunities that allow the leveraging of a shared GIS services environment to support the Ohio Spatial Data Infrastructure (OSDI). The importance of communicating the benefits of the OSDI and the ability to dedicate the resources necessary to support the geospatial needs of the State are critical to the success of the geospatial community as a whole. The plan confirms the critical role GIS technology as an enabler of success in achieving the five strategic mission goals of the Council, namely to,
• Encourage the creation of digital geographic data of value to multiple users
• Foster the ability to easily determine what geographic data exists
• Foster the ability to easily access data
• Encourage the informed use of geographic data.
• Leverage the partnerships that constitute OGRIP into network of resources to achieve its mission and goals
Final Report -- Ohio GIS Planning Guide -- Planning Survey
Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP)
Stuart R. Davis, OGRIP Executive Director/OGRIP Council Chair
Jeff Smith, Office of Information Technology, Enterprise Shared
Services Division, OGRIP SDI Manager
Lane O. Wood, Asst. Administrator, Office of Information Technology,
Enterprise Shared Services Division
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more information about the 50 States Initiative