The Minnesota Geospatial Information Office (MnGeo), working in close partnership with other state agencies and local governmental units, designed and implemented the first tangible stages of a collaborative and streamlined approach to manage and maintain authoritative, accurate, current and nonredundant municipal and township boundary data statewide. Existing legislative and administrative review requirements provide incentives to assure that this process is both enduring and capable of evolving. The project builds upon previous work of MnGeo and its partners, and documents the best practices, agreements, and technical characteristics required to ensure that results can be sustained over time and that will serve as a guide to extending the process to other NSDI partners. Current data are now being updated on a regular cycle and published through web services that support The National Map and other national geospatial programs. This project complements other data integration projects guided by MnGeo, which has statutory authority to coordinate GIS efforts in Minnesota. The project team is encouraged that progress in developing a more universally accepted boundary process in Minnesota will be further accelerated through the development of a statewide parcel business plan supported through an ongoing Cooperative Agreement Program Project (#G11AC20048).
Minnesota Geospatial Information Office
Chris Cialek, GIS Data Services Supervisor
David Arbeit, Chief Geospatial Information Officer