Louisiana Business Plan for Statewide Address Management
What started as an effort to create a Statewide Address Maintenance Business Plan and persuade local addressing authorities to use the FGDC approved United States Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard; became a search for the tools necessary to assist local government create address data that would meet that standard.
The project team started the project with a 23 question online survey on local addressing practices that was distributed to all 64 parishes (counties). They found that roughly a third of all parishes had no Geographic Information System (GIS) and no digital address data. Therefore, they created a webpage for these parishes so that they could go online and add, modify and delete their address data using an online map interface and requiring only a web browser.
The project team realized that the transition from analog to digital data required by Next Generation 9-1-1 technology would neccesitate Communication Districts storing their data in a geospatial format. They hosted two Next Generation 9-1-1 Workshops, to educate Communication District officials on the importance of address data standards and the need for the greater locational accuracy that is provided by point addressing rather than address ranges.
The results of this work was presented at the annual Louisiana GIS Workshop, the URISA/NENA Addressing Conference and the Louisiana Chapter of NENA’s Annual Symposium. In addition to these outreach efforts, the project team assisted the Louisiana GIS Council form an address data subcommittee that unanimously adopted the FGDC Approved Address Data Standard and delivered the GIS Council’s resolution to the State CIO for his review.
Louisiana Geographic Information Center (LAGIC)
Craig Johnson, Director, Louisiana Geographic Information
Kathrine Cargo, GIS/Mapping Coordinator, Orleans Parish
Chris Cretini, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Louisiana