- Alaska Metadata Trainer & Outreach
- Award Number G12AC20127, Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
- Miami-Dade County GIS Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
- Award Number G12AC20131, Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
- Metadata Training and Support for Conservation Practitioners
- Award Number G12AC20129, Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
- Innovate ISO for EPA and Idaho
- Award Number G12AC20135, Category 2: ISO Geospatial Metadata Standards Implementation
- Promoting ISO Metadata Standards Through Application to Puget Sound Nearshore Data
- Award Number G12AC20124, Category 2: ISO Geospatial Metadata Standards Implementation
- Appalachian Ohio Geospatial Data Partnership – Collection and Update of Ohio GIS Metadata in Ramona
- Award Number G12AC20105, Category 3: Expanding the State GIS Inventory
- Expanding the GIS Inventory System in Iowa - EGIS Iowa
- Award Number G12AC20106, Category 3: Expanding the State GIS Inventory
- Expanding Louisiana’s Use of the GIS Inventory System
- Award Number G12AC20132, Category 3: Expanding the State GIS Inventory
- Miami-Dade County GIS Inventory System Expansion
- Award Number G12AC20130, Category 3: Expanding the State GIS Inventory
- Strengthening the Maryland Statewide GIS Inventory in Ramona
- Award Number G12AC20136, Category 3: Expanding the State GIS Inventory
- Business Plans for Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure Framework Layers for Emergency Management Applications
- Award Number G12AC20141, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
- Implementation of Statewide Orthoimagery Business Plan for Maine
- Award Number G12AC20133, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
- Business Plan for Maryland Statewide Parcel Data Development & Maintenance
- Award Number G12AC20134, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
- Business Plan Creation for Statewide Parcel Data and Enhanced Elevation Data for Nevada
- Award Number G12AC0139, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
- Developing a Business Case for the North Carolina Master Address Database Maintenance in North Carolina
- Award Number G12AC20110, Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
- Integrating the FGDC National Vegetation classification (NVC) Standard
- Award Number G12AC20142, Category 5: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
- Implementation Model Development for FGDC-Standard Cadastral Data - Enabling Seamless Parcel Data Exchange
- Award Number G12AC20351, Category 5: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
- Enhancing Wetland Classification for the FGDC Wetland Mapping Standard in Montana
- Award Number G12AC20144, Category 5: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
- Building Capacity for Implementation of Distributed Online Metadata Catalogs in the Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network
- Award Number G12AC20146, Category 5: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
- Transitioning to the FGDC Draft Geologic Map Database Standard: A Washington State Geologic Survey Pilot Project
- Award Number G12AC20145, Category 5: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
- NSDI/Coeur d'Alene Tribe Geospatial Platform Cloud Service Testbed Project
- Award Number G12AC20128, Category 7: Geospatial Platform Cloud Service Testbed
- IndianaMap Cadastral Cloud Implementation
- Award Number G12AC20138, Category 7: Geospatial Platform Cloud Service Testbed
- Assessing the Potential Benefits of Hosting Maryland’s Basemap in the Cloud
- Award Number G12AC20137, Category 7: Geospatial Platform Cloud Service Testbed