2018-2019 Activities

Background Information

In 2018 the Federal Geographic Data Committee co-sponsored the Concept Development Study(CDS) through OGC to advance the use of Geospatial Information for Disaster Risk Reduction. As a follow-up to this activity, the FGDC under the OGC Innovation program sponsored Disaster pilots in 2019 to close gaps and address challenges that resulted from the 2018 CDS.

2019 Pilot Project Resources

2018 Community Engagement Workshops

  • April 2018 Disasters CDS Workshop at NASA - The purpose of this workshop was to guide future OGC Innovation Program Activities by:
    1. Engaging different stakeholders in disasters
    2. Helping participants better understand activities occuring at OGC and other key organizations
    3. Engaging executive level participants to understand the most important challenges
    4. Engaging operational and technical stakeholders to gather and share information on the current state for using geospatial data and services during natural disasters, including: Understanding what data, applications, tools and services stakeholders need; Understanding what data, applications, tools and services are available; Understanding the discoverability, accessibility, and usability of resources; Understanding interoperability challenges and integration opportunities; and Identifying gaps in data, applications, tools and services. 
      Workshop Agenda and Presenters

2018 Reports and other Resources

  • FGDC Annual Report - The 2018 FGDC Annual report (pdf) provides a summary report of all activities conducted as part of the initiative and provides agency examples of Geospatial Applications, tools and services that support disaster risk resilience.