2020-2021 Activities for Disaster Risk Resilience Initiative

In 2018-2020, the Federal Geographic Data Committee co-sponsored OGC Disaster Risk Resilience (DRR) efforts to advance the use of Geospatial Information for Disaster Risk Reduction. As a follow-up to this activity, the FGDC under the OGC Innovation program is sponsoring pilots in 2020-2021 to address gaps, remove barriers and other user needs to improve the use of geospatial services for DRR. FGDC will participate in the following activities.

OGC 2021 Disaster Pilot Projects

The 2021 Pilot is an opportunity to test end-to-end information flow related to all phases of disaster management, with an emphasis on first responders and other end users. The Pilot will focus on improving the ability of key decision makers and responders to discover, manage, access, qualify, share, and exploit location-based information in support of disaster preparedness and response and multi-hazard risk analysis. This pilot will demonstrate an end-to-end service that integrates OGC standards, data, services, and state-of-the-art technologies into solutions that facilitate disaster response.


  • FGDC presentation (pdf) to the Science for Disaster Reduction International Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group in February 2021 - Provides an overview of the FGDC partnership with OGC and global partners to advance the use of geospatial data for disaster risk resilience.