NSDI | Governance | Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal Sector

Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal Sector

The FGDC, in collaboration with partners and with input from the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC), has examined the current and future roles of the Federal Government as they relate to the continued development of the NSDI. The following is a summary of the key geospatial roles for the Federal Government and relationships with other sectors of the geospatial community.

Federal agencies will focus on providing geospatial services and tools for the use of critical data assets. This focus encompasses the agency mapping activities, framework data, the A–16 categories, metadata and catalogs, and interagency communications. The Federal geospatial community should focus on the implementation of the Geospatial Platform as a primary mechanism for collaborative development and distribution of data content via standards-based services.




The Federal Government will play a critical role in providing institutional leadership for the development and coordination of national and international geospatial policies, the alignment of geospatial technology with information management and IT processes, and the development of a legal and policy framework that supports the objectives of the NSDI. Federal agencies are in a unique position to convene multiple stakeholders, through mechanisms such as the NGAC, to develop joint approaches to issues affecting multiple sectors. In addition, the Federal geospatial community can provide leadership to establish joint acquisitions of geospatial data and services (for example, SmartBUY) with buy-up options for partners.


Federal agencies will continue to work together and with State, Tribal, regional, local, academic, and private sector partners to jointly fund and share geospatial data, services, and tools. Emphasis will be placed on improved efficiency, improved effectiveness, and open access as directed by the Administration’s Open Data Policy.


The FGDC will facilitate collaboration between and across all levels of government, academia, nonprofits, the private sector, and individuals for research and to create data and information services. Pursuant to this role, Federal agencies can convene key experts, decisionmakers, and stakeholders to address common concerns and solve problems. The Federal role will be to work with other levels of government and stakeholders to share data, approaches, and services; to develop best practices to meet common needs; and to clearly delineate responsibilities for agency theme leads under OMB Circular A–16.


Federal agencies will focus on providing geospatial services and tools for the use of critical data assets. This focus encompasses the agency mapping activities, framework data, the A–16 categories, metadata and catalogs, and interagency communications. The Federal geospatial community should focus on the implementation of the Geospatial Platform as a primary mechanism for collaborative development and distribution of data content via standards-based services.


Federal agencies will provide and maintain geospatial content, where appropriate, and focus on delivering services that provide data in standardized, accessible, open formats. The Federal community should take the lead in building and maintaining an online catalog for transparent discovery and access to Federal and other data through the Geospatial Platform and other resources.


The Federal Government will play an enabler role to make geospatial data and services more accessible to an expanded audience through tools such as the Geospatial Platform. Federal agencies will work with partners to develop more timely, accurate, and useful data and services. In this way the Federal Government can make State and local information play an enhanced role in national government and business operations.

Standards and Research

The Federal Government will promote the continued development of consensus-based standards for interoperability as new technologies and capabilities evolve in order to achieve and maintain an interoperable NSDI network. In addition, the Federal Government will effectively coordinate among programs that conduct and (or) sponsor geospatial research to ensure that highest priority needs are addressed; the Federal Government will work with partners to better share research results and translate new findings and capabilities into operational activities across appropriate sectors.

 Table. NSDI Federal Sector Roles and Responsibilities provided by the FGDC Committee  

  1. National Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategic Plan 2014-2016, pg. 12 https://www.fgdc.gov/nsdi-plan/nsdi-strategic-plan-2014-2016-FINAL.pdf

Additional Information 

For more information, contact 
Roxanne Lamb
Email: rhlamb [at] fgdc.gov or fgdc@fgdc.gov