NSDI | Initiatives Resource Center

NSDI | Initiatives Resource Center

The NSDI | Geospatial Initiatives Resource Center provides plans, resources, deliverables and accomplishment information related to the NSDI and the Geospatial Platform.

Geospatial Platform Deliverables/Accomplishments 

Geospatial Platform Business Plan (redacted) - September 2012 (pdf 1.1mb) Geospatial Platform Business Plan approved by the FGDC Steering Committee on September 20, 2012. The redacted public version includes the governance approach and shared investment strategy. 
Geospatial Platform Roadmap v4  - March 2011 (pdf 2mb)  Document that lays out the vision for the development and implementation of the Geospatial Platform.  
Geospatial Platform Outreach and Communications Plan - March 2011 (pdf, 324kb) Strategy for communication and outreach activities in support of the Geospatial Platform. 
Deployed services and applications on GeoPlatform.gov - April 2011 (ppt, 582kb) Power point slides showing the potential offerings of services and applications on the Geospatial Platform. 
Geospatial Platform Value Proposition v4 - November 2011 (pdf, 1.3mb) The Value Proposition is a document that describes the need for the Geospatial Platform, provides use cases demonstrating how the Geospatial Platform will support mission needs, and describes the benefits of the Geospatial Platform. 
Geospatial Platform "How To" Factsheet - February 2012 (pdf, 1.4mb) A Factsheet outlining some basic functions of the Geospatial Platform in a "how to" format 

Portfolio Management/A-16 Supplemental Guidance Deliverables/Accomplishments


NGDA Datasets, Themes and Theme Lead List - last updated July 2015 (xls, 60 kb)  

NOTE - The above spreadsheet is no longer maintained.  Current listing of NGDA Themes and Datasets is available here.

A spreadsheet that tracks the most current inventory of datasets, themes and theme leads. Prior versions of this list are available here.
NGDA Data Themes and Theme Lead Agencies  Listing of Data Themes and Theme Lead Agencies and associated changes.
OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance - November 2010 (pdf, 530kb) The A-16 Supplemental Guidance further defines and clarifies elements of OMB Circular A-16 to facilitate the adoption and implementation of a coordinated and effective Federal geospatial asset management capability, and will improve support of mission-critical business requirements of the Federal Government and its stakeholders.  It also provides the foundation for a Portfolio Management approach to NGDA Themes and their associated NGDA Datasets.  
National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan - March 2014 (pdf, 790kb) Portfolio Management Implementation Plan for the OMB Circular A–16 Supplemental Guidance as it relates to OMB Circular A–16, Coordination of Geographic Information and Related Spatial Data Activities: Steering Committee Approved March 20, 2014.
Portfolio Management briefing - January 2012 (ppt, 900kb) A PowerPoint slide deck providing instructions for Portfolio Management, Theme Lead and Dataset Manger Roles and Responsibilities, and the 'Investment Collaboration Process'
Portfolio Management Implementation Templates - May 2011 (pdf, 227kb) A Word document containing compiled templates for implementation of Portfolio Management.  
At-a-Glance factsheets and other geospatial factsheets - May 2012 - May 2013 (zip, 5.4mb) Implement the communication strategy for Portfolio Management. 
Draft Portfolio Management At-A-Glance - May 2013 (ppt, 1.7mb) The At-a-Glance sheets are a suite of PowerPoint slides which contain various levels of detail around Portfolio Management, and  that can be printed and assembled into information packets for various audiences.  
Geospatial Investments Definitions for Tracking and Reporting Geospatial Investment Costs - April 2016 (pdf, 0.9mb) This document provides standard definitions of geospatial investments that can be cross walked across federal agencies that will support improved reporting on geospatial data investments to enhance budget planning and execution.


Geospatial Line of Business Deliverables/Accomplishments

Work GroupDeliverableDescription
Common Services Geospatial SmartBUY  - 2008 to 2013 SmartBUY was a Federal Government procurement vehicle designed to leverage the government's buying power to potentially save millions of taxpayer dollars through aggregate buying of commercial off-the-shelf software products with pre-negotiated prices, terms and conditions. 
Common Services SmartBUY Rollout Kit - 2008 to 2013 The SmartBUY Rollout Kit Website  provides  government users with SmartBUY vendor information and ordering procedures, as well as reference materials including SOW and SLA examples and frequently asked questions. 
Common Services Metadata Editor Fact Sheets - 2010 (zip, 323kb) The top software need identified in the Survey of Federal Agency Geospatial Requirements was a metadata editor. The Geo LoB identified and reviewed three available metadata editors for use by agencies. 
Technology and Architecture FEA Geospatial Profile v.2 - March 2009 (pdf, 1.6mb) The Geospatial Profile is an educational resource for determining how and where geospatial approaches and associated geospatial resources fit into  enterprise architectures. 
Technology and Architecture Draft Segment Architecture Guidance - September 2010 (pdf, 2.1mb) The Segment Architecture Guidance offers strategies for establishing goals, target designs, implementation guidance and utilization of shared resources and for re-useable and standards based capabilities to enhance agency business processes with geospatial capabilities, optimize use of  geospatial information within an enterprise architecture, Leverage geospatial standards and coordination efforts, share geospatial resources across an organization and with partners and the public, maximize opportunities for shared services that limit redundancy, and implement common design principles that foster a broader Federal geospatial platform of shared and accessible capabilities. (This document was superseded by the Geospatial Platform Modernization Roadmap V4) 
Technology and Architecture Cloud Projects Synopsis V6 - March 2010 (zip, 75kb) a. Cloud Projects Synopsis: This document provides a summary of six projects, their cloud computing requirements, and a point of contact. 
b. Cloud Computing Requirements: The requirements for a “geo-cloud” and their associated costs are listed in an Excel spreadsheet. 
Lifecycle Management  Candidate NGDA theme list (xls, 28kb, approved by the FGDC Steering Committee on August 19, 2011)  The list of NGDA Themes provides the names and definitions of the 17 FGDC SC endorsed management units for NGDA Datasets. 
Lifecycle Management  NGDA Dataset and Theme Alignment - August 2011 (xls, 28kb) The spreadsheet aligns NGDA Datasets to NGDA Themes for portfolio management.  
Lifecycle Management  Data Portfolio Management Process, later incorporated into OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance A whitepaper on Portfolio Management, the process of tracking, maintaining, expanding, and aligning assets to address and solve the business needs of an enterprise. The OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance, its follow-on document, provides the foundation for a Portfolio Management approach to a NGDA Portfolio comprised of NGDA Themes and their associated NGDA Datasets.  
Lifecycle Management  Process for adjusting Themes and associated NGDA, later incorporated into OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance This document describes the process for identifying, evaluating, and updating the NGDA Themes and establishes a collaborative annual process for their review and update. This process was incorporated into OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance, its follow-on document