As a part of its role in the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association, the FGDC was the principal developer of the first edition of the reference manual on “Developing Spatial Data Infrastructures: The SDI Cookbook” in 2000. The second edition was subsequently published in 2004 and the current version is part of an active Wiki.
The Editor in Chief is Douglas Nebert, the clearinghouse coordinator for the FGDC. In his capacity as the GSDI Technical Committee Chair he enlisted the help of co-authors globally in compiling both editions. It is clearly the best ‘how-to” manual for helping any nation, regardless of their economic status, build a NSDI.
Organization of the Cookbook
Each chapter within the cook book is organized by components and subcomponents of a SDI. One chapter is also devoted to case examples which can help advocates present business case examples to Ministry level officials seeking approval for implementation. The Cookbook is in English but translated into Spanish, Chinese, and Polish.
Each chapter also deals with increasing levels of detail. For instance, the first part of each chapter is aimed at the highest level officials. The second part of each chapter is aimed at convincing management level officials, and the last part of each chapter is aimed at people that have the responsibility for building components of a SDI.
Africa Cookbook
The FGDC also helped sponsor Ms. Kate Lance in the building of an African Cookbook covering essentially the same NSDI components/issues as the GSDI Cookbook but focused exclusively Africa. The United Nations Economic Commission (UNECA), EIS-Africa, and ITC also sponsored this initial effort. It is published in English and French.
Scotland Cookbook
This Cookbook is the first of a series of guidance manuals/toolkits which will define the appropriate standards for delivery of spatial data as web services, and provide guidance on the technology options that are currently available to deliver these services. These guidance manuals are being developed by Scottish Government in partnership with the British Geological Survey.