National Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategic Plan 2014–2016

Executive Summary

The tremendous growth and evolution of geospatial technologies, industries, and applications in recent years has highlighted the need to update and modernize the strategic direction of Federal geospatial programs to align with and leverage these advancements. The Federal Geographic Data Committee’s (FGDC) 2014–2016 Strategic Plan for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) sets priorities and describes the actions the FGDC community will take, in collaboration with partners, to develop and maintain the Nation’s critical geospatial infrastructure. This Strategic Plan was developed during 2013 through extensive consultation with Federal agencies, the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC), and with partners and stakeholders across the geospatial community. This external input was instrumental in shaping the plan and in reflecting the perspectives of the broader geospatial community. This plan describes a shared national vision of the NSDI and includes a set of goals and objectives for the role of Federal agencies in achieving this vision: The NSDI leverages investments in people, technology, data, and procedures to create and provide the geospatial knowledge required to understand, protect, and promote our national and global interests.

The goals and objectives in the plan define areas of critical importance to the continued development of the NSDI and provide a framework for the Federal geospatial community’s responsibilities over the next 3 years.

Goal 1 – Develop Capabilities for National Shared Services

  • Objective 1.1. Develop geospatial interoperability reference architecture.
  • Objective 1.2. Establish the Geospatial Platform as the Federal geospatial data, services, and applications Web-based service environment.
  • Objective 1.3. Expand the use of cloud computing.
  • Objective 1.4. Promote the use of geospatial multiagency acquisition vehicles for interagency and intergovernmental purchases.

Goal 2 – Ensure Accountability and Effective Development and Management of Federal Geospatial Resources

  • Objective 2.1. Advance the portfolio management process for National Geospatial Data Assets (NGDA).
  • Objective 2.2. Identify potentially duplicative investments and opportunities for collaborative investments.

Goal 3 – Convene Leadership of the National Geospatial Community

  • Objective 3.1. Lead and participate in the development and coordination of national and international standards applicable to the geospatial community.
  • Objective 3.2. Convene the leadership of the geospatial and non-geospatial communities to develop shared approaches to critical national issues.
  • Objective 3.3. Raise awareness of the NSDI and its impact on critical national issues.

The Strategic Plan also describes the steps the FGDC community will take to implement the goals, objectives, and actions, including development of project plans and performance measures in collaboration with partners and stakeholders. For more information, visit