Funds are available from the FGDC Secretariat to support activities related to the development or implementation of NSDI standards. These funds will be disbursed to the lead agency of an FGDC Subcommittee or Working Group for which a request is approved. The standards activity for which funding is supplied must support the development of the NSDI and must be for an activity that demonstrably broadens participation in FGDC standards development and implementation beyond the Federal community. In order to receive funds, the activity must be related to an FGDC approved standards project, i.e. a project for which a standards proposal has been approved by the FGDC Standards Working Group. Funding requests will be accepted for amounts up to $10,000.
Examples of appropriate funding requests:
- To reimburse members of state, local, or private organizations who provide tangible support services to the development of a standard and who act to provide outside community input in the development process.
To obtain support to conduct a survey on user requirements that will help in understanding the needs of a broader community and further the development of relevant broad based standards.
To obtain support to conduct a test implementation of an FGDC standard in order to demonstrate that the needs of state and local governments are being met.
Examples of what will not be funded:
- Work or travel of Federal personnel.
Contracting for services that may be required in standards development process, but which, in themselves, do not broaden or enhance community involvement.
Requests for funding shall be made in writing from the Chair of the FGDC Subcommittee or Working Group to Jennifer Fox, FGDC Secretariat. Requests may be sent via fax (703-648- 4270), e-mail (, or postal mail ( FGDC Secretariat, 590 National Center, Reston, VA 20192). Please provide the following information:
Name of standards project
Brief description of standards project
Justification for funding request
Amount of funding requested (include an estimation of how much of this funding will be applied to travel expenses)
The Secretariat will review requests for approval. Requests must be received by February 28, 1999.