Tuesday, January 19, 1999
- 0900 Welcome (John Moeller)
- 0901 Announcements (Kim Braidlow)
- Introductions (Attendees)
- 0915 Overview of NSDI (John Moeller)
- Vision of NSDI
- Vision for Coordination Group
- Questions-Answers
- 1015 Break
- 1030 Funding - FGDC Budget (John Moeller)
- 1100 Benefits of Participating in FGDC (Attendees)
- What we gain by being a part of FGDC
- What we can contribute to the FGDC
- 1200 Lunch
- 1300 Overview - Small Groups (CCI)
- Topics
- Group membership
- Groundrules
- 1315 Small Group Discussions (CCI & Group Leaders)
- Coordination Group Functioning--3 groups to discuss:
- Responsibilities and roles
- Relationships with working groups& subcommittees
- Ways to improve group effectiveness
- Subcommittees & Working Groups-3 groups to discuss:
- Priorities for the committees/groups
- Composition
- Reporting requirements
- Ways to improve effectiveness
- 1530 Report from Small Groups (Group Representative)
- Summary of Discussions
- Recommendations/Action Items
- Discussion
- 1700 Demonstration on Framework Data Survey (Barbara Poore)
- 1730 Closure (John Moeller/CCI)
Wednesday, January 20, 1999
- 0800 Review/Preview (CCI)
- 0815 Background/History/"Stage Setting" (John Moeller)
- Stakeholder relations and the NSDI
- Nature of the partnerships
- 0830 Mark Schaefer
- 0900 Yellowstone Demonstration
- 0915 Case Studies - Integrating NSDI (TBA)
- 1000 Break
- 1015 Overview of Today's Small Groups (CCI)
- 1030 Small Group Discussions (CCI & Small Group Leaders)
- Stakeholders' role in Subcommittees & Working Groups (1 group)
- Improving FGDC's interface with external constituencies (2 groups)
- Coordination of geo-spatial programs & information (1 group)
- Influencing utilization of standards (1 group)
- Marketing & public relations (1 group)
- 1230 Lunch
- 1330 Report from Small Groups (Small Group Representative)
- Summary of Discussions
- Recommendations/Action Items
- 1500 Break
- 1515 Action Items/Follow-up (CCI/John Moeller)
- 1600 Evaluation of Meeting (CCI)
- 1615 Closure (John Moeller)
- 1630 Tour of GIS lab (optional)