Attendees: David Morehouse, DOE; Bruce Spear, DOT; Bruce Ambacher, NARA; Kathy Covert, FGDC; Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC; Ed Harne, BLM; Jim Jancaitis, USGS; Howard Diamond, NOAA; M.K. Miles, USACE; Nancy Blyler, USACE; John Moeller, FGDC; Kim Burns-Braidlow, FGDC; Bruce McKenzie, FGDC; Gale TeSelle, FGDC Consultant; David Painter, FGDC; Lonnie Weiss, FGDC Consultant; Hank Garie, NSGIC; Rick Yorczyk, NGS; Fred Maukus, DOC; Margarette Shovlin, EPA; Chris Clarke, USDA
Information Items:
Rick Pearsall announced the FGDC metadata version 2 workbook is now available in electronic form. The document will fit on a floppy disk. Future additions could include the biological metadata profile. The form is available on the FGDC web site -
David Painter discussed the proposals received for the FY2000 CAP. 71 proposals were received requesting a total of $3,180,700. Available funds to support FY2000 CAP appear to be about $527,000. The National Mapping Division of USGS reduced the CAP award amount by $500,000 because of budget problems. Concerns were expressed from the group that this reduction took place without giving the Coordination Group any say in the process. David Painter said that reviewers are needed for the selection process, which is anticipated to be complete by June 1.
- Action: Coordination Group draft letter to NMD expressing concern over FY2000 CAP budget cut.
John Moeller announced that 4 GeoData Town meetings have taken place to date. Attendance averaged approximately 25-30 people. Consistent concerns from the meetings have been sales, pricing, public accessibility, licensing - "What's the data gonna cost?" The next meeting will be held in Denver, CO on May 11. May 15 a meeting will be held in DOI's room 7000 from 9:00am to noon for people in the Washington area to again discuss the national coalition and its structure. Information about these meetings is available of the FGDC web site -
John Moeller reported that the Digital Earth Steering Committee meeting that was held recently did not discuss the merger of their Steering Committee with the FGDC Steering Committee. This potential merger was raised at the last FGDC Steering Committee meeting and was viewed as favorable, however, it was not discussed at the DE meeting. The group expressed concern that the FGDC maintain a bipartisan organization.
Standards Update: Julie Binder Maitra announced that funds are once again available for FGDC standards development. Check out the FGDC web site for details. The maximum award amount is $10,000 and the budgeted amount for this activity is $65,000. The deadline for application is May 12.
The Facilities Working Group presented the Utilities Data Content Standard for approval. The standard helps in the sharing of like utility terms and is based on the Utilities Entity Set of the Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment.
- Decision: The Utilities Data Content Standard was approved.
The electronic ballot process will be used for this standard.
- Action: Coordination Group advice respective Steering Committee members on this standard.
Library of Congress & Metadata: Katie Ryan, LOC, said that LOC needs to know who does metadata and for which products. This information will aid LOC employees who are cataloging the incoming files.
- Action: Katie Ryan will send an email to the Coordination Group giving more details on the type of information needed.
Spatial Climate Working Group Charter proposal: Discussion was around whether the Spatial Climate group should be a working group or a subcommittee. General consensus was that since the charter description lends itself to thematic data, rather than cross-cutting the themes, the group should be a subcommittee.
- Decision:The group agreed the Spatial Climate group should be established as a subcommittee.
Action:John Moeller will set up a meeting with OMB to discuss adding this new subcommittee.
Design Study Team Report Discussion: The majority of the meeting was devoted to discussing the report. General consensus was that the report was timely and fairly accurate to current concerns. Questions were raised on how the recommended actions would be implemented and some time was spent brainstorming implementation ideas. Most agreed that recommended action #1 - 'Raise geospatial data awareness to the policy level' was the highest priority action.
- Action: If you are interested in being involved in implementing any of the recommended actions let Kim Burns-Braidlow or Bruce McKenzie know.
The meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting:
June 6, 2000 9:00am to Noon
401 M Street, SW
Room 935WT
Washington, DC
Directions: Green Line Metro, Waterfront stop.