National Academy of Sciences
2001 Wisconsin Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Agenda Topics:
Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards, Part 5: Standards for Nautical Charting Hydrographic Surveys - Julie Maitra, FGDC This proposed standard was submitted for Coordination Group action for release for public review. The standards is being developed by the Bathymetric Subcommittee. The standard covers horizontal and vertical accuracy of features such as water depths, objects on the seafloor, navigation aids, and shorelines. It is based on International Hydrographic Organization Standards for Hydrographic standards. This is the 5th in a series for FGDC accuracy standards which along with other FFGDC Standards are available at the FGDC Standards website. This is a public standard for government and contractors benefit that will be in harmony with the ISO TC211 standards methodology at the international level. At the September 20th FGDC Standards Working Group Meeting that group voted to recommend that the Coordination Group approve Part 5 for release for public review.
Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards, Part 5
- Action: Coordination Group approved standard documentation release for public review.
Other standards:
The Shoreline Metadata Standard is currently under development in the Standards Working Group. There is a question whether it can be approved at the next steering committee in an expedited procedure. FGDC Staff will follow up on this item.
Bathymetric Subcommittee Business - Anne Hale Miglarese, NOAA
It is proposed that the Bathymetric Subcommittee be renamed the Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee. This request is due to the strict guidelines of the International Hydrographic Organization, and the need to for inclusion of other related data themes. Other themes include many themes of remotely sensed coastal and benthic data for example. The charter for the Subcommittee is the same except there is more detail for responsibility. Opportunities for joint meetings and coordination with the Surface Water Subcommittee will be sought in areas of overlapping interest. Discussion noted that there is confusion in differentiating different hydrographically related standards.
- Action: Coordination Group approved name change to Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee. FGDC Staff will submit recommendation to OMB for their approval.
New Marine Boundaries Working Group proposed - Anne Hale Miglarese, NOAA
There is a multiplicity of marine boundary definitions, standards, specifications, and legislative descriptions. The proposed working group will address this issue. Goals include developing guidelines in developing descriptions of marine boundaries. The Mineral Management Service (MMS) and the Coastal Services Center have major interest in this area. A working group cross cut is needed for involving other groups such cadastral, base cartographic, international boundaries, water subcommittee in these discussions. John Moeller described the organizational process under the FGDC charter Subcommittees are permanent requiring OMB approval whereas Working Groups only require coordination group approval and are limited to a period of time and/or performance.
- Action: Coordination Group approved establishment of Marine Boundaries Working Group.
Cindy Fowler, NOAA will chair this group with important support from Lee Thormalen of MMS.
The Coordination Group thanked Ann and her group for moving standards forward.
Upcoming Meetings:
Anne announced the Aurora Partnership Third Annual Meeting, November 14-15, 2000 at the Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms, South Carolina.
She also announced the Coastal GeoTools '01 Preliminary Program Jan 8-11 2001 Charleston, SC. More information at
Howard Diamond announced that NOAA will be holding a Geospatial Data workshop on Nov 28 - Dec 1, 2000. Please contact Howard for more information or register at
Katie Ryan announced that the Library of Congress is hosting a GIS Day reception on Nov 14, 2000 at the LOC James Madison building. Please contact Katie for any additional information.
"Geographic Information for Policy Makers: Power of Place to Support Decision Making." Hank Garie, State of New Jersey demonstrated the CD-ROM presentation "Geographic Information for Policy Makers: Power of Place to Support Decision Making." The CD is in response to the FGDC Design Study Team recommendation to develop tools that can be used to help build a better understanding and awareness of the value of spatial data and the NSDI. The development of the CD is an effort that involved NSGIC, FGDC and a local government and private sector representative. The CD consists of slide and video presentations that can be used to help explaining GIS, geospatial data and the NSDI to management and decision-makers. Policy "drivers" such as crime, environment, hazards etc., which occur geographically, are used persuasively to show managers the results of basing good decisions on good geographic information. State, regional and local case studies are provided to quantify the difference that efficient GIS allows. CD can assist in quickly making the case of GIS investment in transitioning to the new administration. The CD is a work in progress and organizations are encouraged to begin using it and provide feedback and more and detailed case studies. For more information contact Hank Garie or Bruce McKenzie who will also make copies of the CD will available to FGDC Agencies and Stakeholders. The material will also available at the FGDC Website.
G-Gov & CBD Announcement At the previous Coordination Group meeting Pam Johnson and Bracken Hendricks described some of the activities taking place as part of E-Government initiatives. Since that time there has been considerable discussion about the value of spatial data as a building block and underpinning for E-Gov. To build on the NSDI and to request information on ideas, technologies or approaches to geospatially enabling E-gov, the FGDC is issuing a Commerce Business Daily announcement as a Request for Information asking for submissions from interested parties. The CBD announcement will have two response dates, Nov 22 as an initial date and Jan 31 for a second round of responses. There are no funds grant associated with this RFI. The FGDC will set up a small group of individuals to individuals to respond to these Request For Information submissions.
- Action: Coordination Group agencies are requested to nominate individuals by Nov 17 to participate in reviewing responses to the CBD announcement. Also agencies are asked to indicated whether their nominee is interested in chairing the Group. Please contact John Moeller for further information.
Coordination Group members from BLM, NOAA, DOT, AG, COE, and USGS expressed interest in identifying individuals with technical and policy experience to participate in the initiative. FGDC will determine the Chair for the Group.
The integration of e-gov and g-gov needs to be highly visible to policy-makers in federal sector. A suggestion was made that FGDC should have additional with project funds to support focused and short outreach activities for efforts such as this.
OMB Geospatial Initiative Update - John Moeller
OMB Initiative Webpage has been established. Organizations interested in forming an I-Teams, can register through the Web Form. Templates providing guidance are available for states expressing interest in I-Team implementation. This is a guidance document for organizations to work against and consists of a one-page example of what the plan should consist of. The Framework Map Graphic Clearinghouse initiative headed by Doug Nebert, FGDC, has received comments on its implementation and will be on-line in a few weeks. This should be a good resource for I-teams. Looking for I teams to provide local bottom up focus where states and local federal agency participants will bring together those interested, and for federal theme lead agencies to assist and participate with I-team as needed. It is expected that federal agencies will participate extensively with I-Teams. Milo Robinson, FGDC and Tony Frader, OMB will be the primary contact until Ron Matzner, OMB returns.
Financing the NSDI
Bruce Cahan, President, Urban Logic presented on "Financing the NSDI." The basic message is that the financing the NSDI is no different from other capital investments, the need to grow consortia to leverage resources and embrace new public-private finance mechanisms. The report and briefing material from Bruce is available at the FGDC Website.
FGDC Coordination Group Briefing
NSDI Report Summary
Licensing Geospatial Data - John Moeller, FGDC discussed the need for a FGDC articulated policy on licensing data. The USGS/MAPPS conference in New Orleans provided a good starting point. The consensus expressed was that the approach should be to address the licensing of data as common issue of FGDC agencies and for a working group to the need for and content of a policy statement. This group will not address the question of licensing people.
- Action: Anne Hale Miglarese will Chair the Group to address licensing. Jim Jancaitis, USGS, will identify individuals at USGS who were involved in the recent conference to participate in developing this topic. Other agencies were also requested to provide names of participants directly to Ann.
Contract Procurement Language promoting the NSDI - The Government Services Administration has expressed willingness to consider including procurement language and technical specifications that are supportive of the NSDI. Additional work is needed in developing this language and in coordinating with GSA. Expertise from procurement staff is needed for this action.
- Action: Jim Jancaitis and Cliff Kottman, OGC volunteered to act as lead and on this initiative. Agencies are requested to nominate participants directly to Jim and Cliff.
Digital Earth - The future of FGDC and Digital Earth relationship needs to be reviewed and can be discussed at the Digital Earth meeting 28th of this month at the EPA at Waterside Mall. See Digital Earth website for more information. Discussion indicated that a team needs to be formed to make recommendations on this issue.
- Action: Christine Clark, NRCS, volunteered to be contact person to get the discussions started. Agencies are requested to submit names of participants to Chris.
Nancy Blyler, USACE and Alan Gaines volunteered to participate.
- - Alan Gaines, NSF is retiring this Thursday.
- Mark Reichardt, FGDC who headed the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure and International Activities is leaving the FGDC and his home agency to work for the OpenGIS Consortium.
Next meetings:
- FGDC Coordination Group
December 5, 2000
Environmental Protection Agency
410 M St., S.W.
Washington, DC
FGDC Steering Committee
TBD: Mid-December
Pending Secretary's schedule