January 10, 2002 FGDC Coordination Meeting Summary

Action items.

Action: Nancy Blyler will determine who will introduce and present the Standard at the 1/31 Steering Committee meeting.

Action: Howard Diamond will give Nancy Blyler the comments he put together for the Standard presented at the 6/20/01 Steering Committee meeting.

Action: John Moeller will distribute a template for each agency to determine their contributions to the Geospatial One Stop for FY 02 and FY03. Please submit the completed templates to John Moeller (jmoeller@fgdc.gov) by COB 1/24.

John Moeller, FGDC
Alison Kiernan, FGDC
Fred Broome, Census
Scott McAfee, FEMA
David Painter, FGDC
Carol Brandt, USDOT/BTS
Tony Lavoi, NOAA/CSC
Bill Shinar, VGIN
Howard Diamond, NOAA
Rick Yorczyk, NOAA
Jerry Sempek, BLM
Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC
Myra Bambacus, NASA
John Stewart, DOE/EM
David Morehouse, FGDC
Ivan DeLoatch, EPA
Rick Pearsall, USGS
Chris Clarke, NRCS/USDA
Nancy Blyler, USACE
Doug Nebert, FGDC
Billy Tolar, USGS/National Atlas
William Nellist, NIMA
Leslie Weiner-Leandro, FEMA
Michelle Torreano, EPA
Jason G. Racette, BLM
Bob Andrew, ICF
Consulting Ronald Matzner, FGDC
Tom Usselman, STIA
Sue Hoegberg, Dewberry & Davis
Doug Powell, USDA/FS
Cliff Kottman, Open GIS Consortium
Ron Birk, NASA
Jason Freihage, OMB
Mark Reichardt, OGC
Leslie Wollack, NSGIC
Mark Bradford, BTS

FEMA MultiHazard Mapping Initiative (MMI) - Scott McAfee, FEMA

PowerPoint (154 KB)

Origin: Disaster Mitigation Act 2000; Sec 203

  • Develop Multihazard Advisory Maps

Web Address: http://www.mercator.hdm.com/fema
For information on access to this website, please contact Scott McAfee (Scott.McAfee@fema.gov).

MMI Strategy

  • Build off existing FEMA initiatives
  • Avoid duplication / keep costs down
  • Develop policy through users group

Atlas - To be used by the public, emergency managers, planners, etc.

Clearinghouse - To be used for the upload and download of hazard data.

FEMA is working with Open GIS Consortium (OGC) on this project because data comes in many formats at all levels of government and because there is too much data for FEMA to maintain in one place.

MMI Map Server goes public 1/28/02

Phase II and III

  • Continue to develop and enhance the Multihazard Mapping Network.
  • Add more Federal, State and local databases.
  • Have people use webmap servers to advertise and make available their hazards data.

Policy Issues:

  • Not for disaster response or homeland security yet.
  • What are incentives for other Agencies to make their data available?

MMI has tsunami hazard data and evacuation zones, hurricanes, earthquakes with a custom view manager. It is possible to upload other data to the MMI site.


  • Quick ramp up with proprietary system
  • Part of NSDI, Geospatial One Stop, FEMA E-Gov
  • Phase in interoperability
  • Build partnerships/encourage data submittal and WMS development
  • Continue funding to enhance the network

Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards Part 4 - Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC

PowerPoint Presentation (64 KB)

Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards Part 4: Standards for Architecture, Engineering, Construction (A/E/C) and Facility Management

  • FGDC Facilities Working Group developed Part 4 from USACE standards and DOD Tri-Service Facility Engineering CADD/GIS standards
  • The new standard provides accuracy criteria, testing methodology, and reporting criteria for engineering drawings, maps, and surveys
  • Informative annex for specifying accuracy criteria for A/E/C features and control surveys

FGDC Standards Process:

  • Facilities WG developed Part 4 in 1996 - 1998
  • Public Review in first half of 1999 - review by State Councils, professional societies and others, and presentations at the CADD/GIS symposium
  • FGDC Standards Working Group voted unanimously to recommend Part 4 for Coordination Group

Request for Action: Vote on Coordination Group approval for FGDC endorsement.

Approved - The FGDC Coordination Group approved with unanimous consent the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standard Part 4 and at the 1/31/02 FGDC Steering Committee meeting it will be presented for a vote.

Action: Nancy Blyler will determine who will introduce and present the Standard at the 1/31 Steering Committee meeting.

Action: Howard Diamond will give Nancy Blyler the comments the put together for the Standard presented at the 6/20/01 Steering Committee meeting.

Open GIS Consortium (OGC) Progress Report - Mark Reichardt, OGC

OGC Mission - to deliver spatial interface specifications that are openly available for global use.

OGC Vision - A world where everyone benefits from geographic information and services made available across any network, application, or platform.

OGC sponsors include: FGDC, FEMA, NASA, NIMA, Census, USGS, USACE, NOAA, CADD/GIS Center

Result- incrementally evolving standards and standards based COTS software

Web Services Vision - Bring in new requirements from sponsors

OGC Projects include:

  • OGC WebServices (OWS - 1) has the test bed in NYC, using NY data and focusing on emergency and recovery data.
  • US Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIPI) - requires timely, accurate data
  • UN Strategic Plan
  • NIMA Planning
  • MultiHazard Mapping - FEMA
  • WebBAS - Census

Geospatial One Stop Initiative Update - John Moeller, FGDC Staff Director

PowerPoint Presentation (158 KB)

Project Outline:

  1. Develop and implement Framework Data Standards
  2. Inventory, document and publish Framework data holdings in NSDI Clearinghouse.
  3. Publish metadata for planned data acquisition and update for Framework data.
  4. Prototype and deploy enhanced data access and web mapping services for Federal Framework data.
  5. Establish comprehensive Federal Portal as a logical extension to the NSDI Clearinghouse Network.

Geospatial One-Stop Schedule:

  • 10/25/01 Initiatives announced
  • 10/30/01 FGDC and DOI convened small writing team
  • 11/6/01 Briefing for FGDC Coordination Group
  • 11/13/01 Draft to OMB
  • Mid Nov Draft distributed to Coordination Group and Stakeholders
  • 12/10/01 Revised Draft to DOI and OMB
  • 12/20 & 1/10 E-Gov Program Mangers Meetings with OMB
  • Early 2002 Anticipated Start date
  • Fall 2003 Anticipated Completion of Geospatial Information One Stop Tasks

Agencies are asked to support the initiative, funding support, and in-kind support for standards development (theme managers, outreach, support to Standards Working Group, documentation of existing data, network of liaisons to support the initiative, and support to project management team).

Framework Layers:

  • Elevation, orthoimagery, hydrographic data, administrative boundaries, transportation networks, cadastre, geodetic control.

Module 1 - Standards Development and Cost Benefit Analysis
1a. Requirements analysis (led by FGDC Staff) - 30 days
1b. OMB BDR led by (OMB/FGDC) - 150 days
1c. Cost Benefit Draft (led by FGDC Staff) - 210 days
1d. Cost Benefit Final (led by FGDC Staff) - 60 days
1e. Working Draft of Standards Development for 7 Framework Themes - 240 days
1f. Committee Draft - 120 days
1g. Final Draft - 120 days
1h. Endorsed Standards - 45 days

USGS - lead for Elevation, Orthoimagery, and Hydrographic Data.
Census - lead for Administrative Boundaries.
DOT - lead for Transportation Networks.
BLM - Cadastral
NOAA/NGS - Geodetic Control

(For more information please see the attached E-Gov Initiative PowerPoint presentation)

Action: John Moeller will distribute a template for each agency to determine their contributions to the Geospatial One Stop for FY 02 and FY03. Please submit the completed templates to John Moeller (jmoeller@fgdc.gov) by COB 1/24.

Upcoming FGDC Steering Committee Meeting - John Moeller, FGDC

The next Steering Committee meeting will be held on January 31, 2002. The Steering Committee will be chaired by Steve Griles, Deputy Secretary of DOI and vice chaired by Mark Forman, Assistant Director of Technology and Electronic Government for OMB. Agenda topics will include: Homeland Security, Geospatial One Stop Initiative, Circular A-16, Standard endorsement, and policy guidance.

Next Coordination Group Meeting

Date: February 5, 2002
Time: 9 a.m. - noon
Site: FEMA
500 C Street SW (between 4th and 6th Streets)
Washington, DC 20472
Lobby Conference Room (Across from guards' desk)

Metro: L'Enfant Plaza (take 7th Street Exit)
Agenda will be forwarded in late January.
Please submit agenda suggestions to Alison Kiernan (akiernan@fgdc.gov).