Action items
Action 1: Please send your comments regarding the Options Paper for the FGDC Geospatial Investments Review Team to Alison (
Action 2: Please identify people from USGS, FEMA, Census, and OMB that can help develop this report on elevation data. Please send their names and contact information to Alison ( ASAP.
Action 3: Please send any Exhibit 300 comments to Myra Bambacus ( or Rob Dollison (
Action 4: Please contact Michael Sherman ( or if you would like to participate with the Interagency Geospatial Preparedness Team.
Action 5: By February 10 the Module 2 inventory and documentation and framework metadata access must be in place. The Module 3 XML, on-line translator, and simplified search must also be in place.
Host: Jason Racette, BLM
Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC Acting Staff Director
Alison Kiernan, FGDC
Norman Andersen, INCITS - L1
Keith Thackrey, FGDC
Kathy Covert, FGDC
David Painter, FGDC
Rob Dollison, Orkand, GOS
Cliff Kottman, OGC
Molly Singer, ICMA
Leslie Wollack, NASA/GOS
Tom Connolly, USGS/IGPT
Susan Kalweit, FEMA/IGPT
Rebecca Moser, EPA/OEI
Michelle Torreano, EPA
Shel Sutton, MITRE/NIMA
Sharon Shin, FGDC
Jon Sperling, HUD
Paul Young, DOI & USGS
Betsy Banas, USFS
Barry Napier, USFS - detail to FEMA
Oh-Sung Kwon, FGDC
Milo Robinson, FGDC
Rick Yorczyk, NOAA
Myra Bambacus, NASA
Doug Nebert, FGDC
Nancy Blyler, USACE
Howard Diamond, NOAA
Theodore Hull, NARA
Scott McAfee, FEMA
Ryan Cast, INS
Sean Thrash, INS/USBP
Michael Sherman, NCPC/WGIS
Hedy Rossmeissl, USGS
Chris Clarke, NRCS
Billy Tolar, USGS/National Atlas
Lou Kerestesy, Marasco Newton
Review Process - Ivan Deloatch, FGDC
OMB is requesting that we review the commonalities and differences between agencies' investments for elevation data. OMB has requested that a report be completed by March 1, 2003. They also want to know how we are working with State and locals in data collection. In the future this pilot may be used to develop a more robust process to help inform OMB of decisions. OMB's primary concern is that agencies are maximizing the resources and leveraging investments.
Should there be a joint business case in FY04 for the three agencies that deal with elevation data (Census, FEMA, and USGS)?
Action 1: Please send your comments regarding the Options Paper for the FGDC Geospatial Investments Review Team to Alison (
Action 2: Please identify people from USGS, FEMA, Census, and OMB that can help develop this report on elevation data. Please send their names and contact information to Alison ( ASAP.
Suggestion: Maybe ANSI and OGC should be brought in on this review?
Reply: Since this relates to Federal funding information, the review will initially be limited to the Federal family.
Comment: NOAA has bathymetric elevation data as well and would like to be included in this review.
We should also look at NDEP since the focus of the review is elevation.
Geospatial One Stop Update - Myra Bambacus, NASA
- The new Geospatial One Stop Executive Director will be on board very soon.
- The Project Management Team is in place. Chris Clarke is looking at crosscutting areas in Standards.
- OMB passed the revised Exhibit 300. There are still concerns about the Exhibit 300 among the agencies.
Action 3: Please send any Exhibit 300 comments to Myra Bambacus ( or Rob Dollison (
Myra hopes that the new Executive Director will assign someone solely to the Exhibit 300.
The Geospatial One Stop server meeting will take place on January 16th. It will deal with server architecture and Jeff de la B will chair the meeting. For more information contact Rob Dollison (
The next Geospatial One Stop Board of Directors meeting will take place on January 17th. Module leads will give a briefing on their modules and Sue Kalweit will give a briefing on National Preparedness.
[ PowerPoint 21.5 KB ]
FEMA Proposed Joint Initiative - Michael Sherman, NCPC & Sue Kalweit, FEMA/IGPT
The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) is the Federal Planning Agency for the D.C. Area. Michael Sherman is the Director of Technology for NCPC.
NCPC tracks all Federal capital improvements. A trend has been detected and it is predicted that in the next 10 years at least 100 new memorials will be created. NCPC pre-identifies sites for the new memorials. The NCPC's award winning Urban Design Security Plan helped rid the city of ugly jersey barriers in front of Federal buildings. NCPC does regional analysis for the Federal perspective and works with the State Department and the Homeland Security Office, among other Federal agencies. NCPC has orthophotos and planimetrics and is now a public/private partnership with the Federal government, local and regional governments, businesses, etc.
NCPC has been working with Sue Kalweit on homeland security and preparedness.
More information is available at: or
[ PowerPoint 7.37 MB ]
The Interagency Geospatial Preparedness Team (IGPT) is building a strategy to support homeland security. The strategy involves geospatial preparedness. We need to make sure that the needed data is available and that "best available" or current data exists. We need coordination among the Feds in building the underlying geospatial framework. We need to provide more accurate information for emergency plans and preparedness. The IGPT will rely on the work of the Geospatial One Stop and the FGDC. Geospatial data is the great glue of disparate data sets. Within a year the IGPT will develop a strategy for geospatial preparedness. The team will look at what already exists, such as I-Team reports, to understand needs and capabilities.
They are creating a tabletop exercise that will bring in the Secret Service, D.C. Fire Chief and D.C. Police Chief to put GIS in an understandable context to help local folks and Congress understand the power of GIS. By early February there will be a storyboarding session to make up a good scenario.
Action 4: Please contact Michael Sherman ( or if you would like to participate with the Interagency Geospatial Preparedness Team.
[ PowerPoint 374 KB ]
Geospatial One Stop - Scott Cameron, Managing Partner for the Geospatial One Stop Project
Vision - The Geospatial One Stop Initiative is an effort to advance the NSDI. It will allow Federal, State, and local governments have faster, easier, cheaper, better access to geospatial data for more effective services. This will better serve the taxpayers by enabling better public policy decisions at less cost.
Modules 2 & 3 (characterizing existing data holdings and posting budgeted geospatial acquisition buys) are required to create a marketplace for data. If we can use the NSDI Clearinghouse to signal to the community our future data buys, we can then talk about cost-sharing collection efforts to maximize the use of the data.
A-11 states that all data must be posted on the Clearinghouse by February 10. Planned acquisitions should be concrete and doable based on the President's budget.
Ultimately we will want State and local governments to post their data acquisition plan online.
Geospatial One Stop Modules 2 & 3 - Sharon Shin, FGDC
Module 2: Data Inventory & Documentation
- All framework metadata searchable through the Clearinghouse
- OMB A-11 states that all Federal data sets exceeding $1 million be documented with FGDC metadata and posted on a Clearinghouse node by February 10, 2003.
- Tools to help agencies without a metadata program are an inventory questionnaire, on-line tool, and creation of temporary substitute for complete and detailed metadata.
Module 3:
- All FY04 work or proposed data collection activities in excess of $1 million must be documented (all data sets by program).
- You can list planned activities without geographic extent - as long as you give a general extent such as "contiguous 48 States" or "Western States".
- A FGDC contractor is developing on-line application to upload XML files that will include a translator and a Clearinghouse-type search.
During the discussion regarding metadata content, Doug Nebert commented ISO metadata element "Progress" did not include "proposed" thus impacting Module 3 Planned Acquisition Data information. With approval of ANSI L-1 Chair, ISO 19115's element "proposed" will be extended to include the domain name planned in the 19115 Technical Amendment.
Action 5: By February 10 the Module 2 inventory and documentation and framework metadata access must be in place. The Module 3 XML, on-line translator, and simplified search must also be in place.
The Geospatial One Stop Board of Directors meeting will be hosted by NACO on January 17. Please contact Rob Dollison ( for more information.
* Please contact Alison ( with any changes or corrections*
Next Coordination Group Meeting:
February 4, 2002
Hosted by BLM at the Main Interior Building, Rachel Carson Room
Agenda will be sent in late January.