By: Rick Pearsall - USGS (03/04/2003)
Activity: FY04 Passback Language - USGS/FEMA/Census multi-agency coordination
Background: FY04 Passback Language
"Currently, there is no strategic approach to geospatial investments by the United States Geological Survey, US Census Bureau and Federal Emergency Management Agency. OMB expects the USGS National Map, US Census Bureau's MAF/Tiger Modernization and FEMA's Floodplain Map Modernization efforts will coordinate investments in FY2003 where possible. By March 1, 2003, the FGDC and the Geospatial One-Stop Team, working with the three agencies, should provide a report to OMB which identifies: 1) geospatial investments that can be combined from these three efforts during FY2003, such as applications that automate data collection and updates with state and local government: and 2) whether a unified business case would be appropriate in FY 2004."
Activities to Date:
- Feb 10, 2003 Meeting with OMB, FGDC, USGS, FEMA and Census
- OMB plans to use 300's as window into federal data coordination / collaboration activities
- Discussion and Decision: Initial focus on Elevation
- Discussion of ongoing USGS & FEMA elevation coordination via the National Digital Elevation Program
- Discussion re: duplicative efforts and subsequent business practice changes
- USGS & FEMA to exchange Exhibit 300s
- Agencies to examine appropriate NSDI Annual Report
- Census role as reviewer
- OMB to develop question on data strategies (collection, maintenance, ... ) using 1994 Budget Data Request
- USGS & FEMA to research and FY01 and FY02 Elevation Expenditure History and FY03 Planned elevation activities (Agency and Partner dollars)
- Discussion re: possible plans for future joint 300s (unified business case)
Need to focus on all Elevation activities
Management (Maintenance, Archive, Distribution)
Standards & Quality
Next Meeting: March 7, 2003