Note: Working Group and Subcommittee Charter Updates
The Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Subcommittee was established in February 2002 to address improvements in collection, processing, sharing, and protection of homeland infrastructure geospatial information across multiple levels of government, and to develop a common foundation of homeland infrastructure data to be used for visualization and analysis on all classification domains. The HIFLD Subcommittee attracts a voluntary coalition of Federal, State, and Local government organizations and supporting private industry partners who are involved with geospatial issues related to Homeland Defense (HD), Homeland Security (HLS), Emergency Preparedness and Response, or Civil Support. HIFLD members and non-federal contributors are involved in a wide range of different functions including Critical Infrastructure Protection, Crisis and Consequence Management, Intelligence and Threat Analysis, Antiterrorism/Force Protection, Defense Support to Civil Authorities, Man-Made and Natural Hazard Modeling, and Government Facilities Management.
The HIFLD Subcommittee membership consists of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense & Americas' Security Affairs—OASD (HD&ASA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Protection & Programs Directorate Office of Infrastructure Protection (NPPD IP), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), and the Department of Interior (DOI) United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Geospatial Program Office (NGPO).
HIFLD Subcommittee meetings are held on a bi-monthly basis. They focus primarily on different national-level and defense critical infrastructure sectors on a rotating schedule. Past topics addressed include: data sources, acquisition of data for common use by the HD/HLS Community, data standards, symbology, enterprise architecture schemes, information exchange and protection, and the production of recommendations on other policy-related issues.
HIFLD Community sessions and communications are kept, to the greatest extent possible, at the Unclassified // Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) level in order to encourage active participation by state and local entities with significant HLS/HD interests. Parallel sessions and communications at SECRET or higher levels are conducted as necessary.
Visit the HIFLD Subcommittee Online Community website for more information about the subcommittee and it's meetings and activities.
Activity Reports
The HIFLD Subcommittee provides progress reports to the FGDC Coordination Group. These reports contain the most current updates on the activities of the subcommittee.
Summary Overview of National Parcel Data Summit - CG July 2016
HIFLD-FGDC Alignment CG - August 2013