Geospatial Data Model Version 2.0

When developing and updating the Geospatial Data Model Version 2.0, the Geospatial Management Office’s team followed a few principal themes:

  1. Rationalize a very large number of overlapping features and attributes in order to drive out duplication of data classes, features, and attributes. The team then reviewed for semantic and syntactic agreement, to ensure interconnected component parts were in harmony.
  2. Rearrange and flatten the overall structure of the model somewhat to assist in translating from Logical to Physical models. This is primarily to assist in the development of ESRI implementations.
  3. Construct a new set of easy-to-read documents to help geospatial programs understand and extract information from the model, including a data dictionary, HTML/browser accessible views, as well as a number of professional-level artifacts for use in modeling tools.

The GMO team integrated all of the feature classes, definitions, and component parts of Homeland Security Infrastructure Protection (HSIP) Gold Version 2.0 into the model, in order to ensure complete alignment with the dataset. While there are many parts of GDM Version 2.0 that are not contained within HSIP, all of HSIP Version 2.0 is represented in the GDM. Version 2.0 of the GDM is still available for download in the following formats (please refer to GDM Version 2.5 for the latest version): 


As in previous versions, the FGDC Homeland Security Working Group and the GMO are extremely interested in soliciting user feedback about the models and ways to make it more accessible by all users. 

Please download the DHS Geospatial Data Model Comment Resolution Matrix VERSION 2.0/2.5 [Excel] and add your comments. Forward your completed matrices as an email to

Comments will be adjudicated through the FGDC Homeland Security Working Group-Content Subgroup, and the results reposted to this website.