Department of Transportation

FGDC Annual Report to OMB

Format for Agency Reports - FY 2001

The following outline should be used by FGDC Member Agencies (or Bureaus) for their Annual Spatial Data Reports, which will be consolidated by the FGDC and submitted to OMB. Reports should be brief, using bullets where possible. Please provide only the information that will be useful for OMB to assess the agencies' achievements using the funding they received, and for establishing future direction.

Part A

1. Agency or Bureau:

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) compiled comments for all DOT modal administration. Comments were received from: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and Research & Special Programs Administration (RSPA)/ Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS).

2. Name of Contact for Report:

Mark Bradford
(202) 366-6810

3. Steering Committee Member:

Dr. Ashish Sen
(202) 366-9961

4. Coordination Group Participant(s):

Carol Brandt
(202) 366-6662

5. Subcommittee or Working Group Participation: Subcommittees or Working Groups in which your agency is actively involved, but does not lead:

FGDC Standards Working Group, FGDC Coordination Group and FGDC Ground Transportation Subcommittee.

6. Goals and Accountability: Are you using spatial data with regard to performance?

a. List agency GPRA strategic plan goals specifically related to spatial data activities (or "none"):

DOT's strategic goals are outcome-oriented, so none of them are specifically related to spatial data activities. However, improvement of spatial data is listed as a strategy for achieving the following outcomes:

Ensure that the Producer Price Index (PPI) for transportation services grows less rapidly than the overall PPI through the year 2005.

Reduce barriers to trade that are related to transportation.

Improve the U.S. international competitive position in transportation goods and services.

b. List agency GPRA performance measures specifically related to spatial data activities (or "none"):

DOT's performance goals are outcome-oriented, so none of them are specifically related to spatial data activities. However, improved spatial data is critical to meeting several performance goals, such as those related to Highway Congestion, Impediments to Port Commerce, Transportation Accessibility, Essential Air Service, Wetlands Protection and Recovery, Environmental Justice, Aircraft Noise Exposure, Pipeline Hazardous Materials Spills, and Critical Transportation Infrastructure Protection.

7. Strategy: Has your agency prepared a strategy for advancing geographic information and spatial data activities in coordination with the FGDC strategy, pursuant to Circular A-16?

Not at this time.

8. Standards: Has your agency developed and/or adopted appropriate standards?

Yes. OPS has developed the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) standards, available at: The FGDC Ground Transportation Subcommittee is in the process of developing a Transportation Identification Standard:

9. Metadata: Is your agency's metadata and/or data available and discoverable online through an NSDI-compatible clearinghouse node registered as part of the NSDI Clearinghouse Network?

All data that BTS distributes in its National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) (this is data that BTS receives from the other modal administrations within the DOT), has FGDC compliant Metadata. BTS acts as the NSDI clearinghouse node for the USDOT. All data created and maintained by USDOT is available. The BTS/DOT data is discoverable through the FGDC portal.

10. Vertical and Horizontal Data Integration: Is your data integrable with other Federal agencies and other sources of data (State, County, local, private)?

Other Federal Agencies, State, local and private concerns use the DOT data with their own data. As our spatial data has geographic coordinates, it is compatible with other spatial data from other sources.

11. E-Gov: How are you using geospatial data in your mission activities to provide better services? (Please list)

BTS has developed a number of web-based GIS applications that it hopes will help the various modal administrations conduct their business. OPS has developed the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) online mapping application ( to address community right-to-know issues and to aid pipeline operators with online regulatory compliance. Pipeline operators can view NPMS data and other data related to OPS rulemaking online or the data can be downloaded for use in their own facilities.

12. Are there areas or issues regarding spatial data that require attention, or lessons-learned that you would like to share with others? Please describe.

Security issues regarding data pertaining to critical infrastructure as well as Section 508 compliance.