US Army Corps of Engineers

FGDC Annual Report to OMB

Format for Agency Reports - FY 2001

The following outline should be used by FGDC Member Agencies (or Bureaus) for their Annual Spatial Data Reports, which will be consolidated by the FGDC and submitted to OMB. Reports should be brief, using bullets where possible. Please provide only the information that will be useful for OMB to assess the agencies' achievements using the funding they received, and for establishing future direction.

Part A

1. Agency or Bureau: US Army Corps of Engineers

2. Name of Contact for Report: Nancy Blyler
Email Address:
Phone #: (202)761-5540

3. Steering Committee Member: Dwight Beranek
Email Address:
Phone #: (202)761-8826

4. Coordination Group Participant(s): Nancy Blyler
Email Address:
Phone #: (202)761-5540

M.K. Miles

5. Subcommittee or Working Group Participation: Subcommittees or Working Groups in which your agency is actively involved, but does not lead:

USACE has participated on the Subcommittees on Marine and Coastal Spatial Data, Geology, Geodetic Control, Spatial Water and the Working Groups on Clearinghouse and Ad Hoc Metadata.

The CADD/GIS Technology Center coordinated the review of Geology Map Symbols within the Department of Defense and provided comments to the Geologic Subcommittee. Other draft FGDC standards (including A-16, Transportation, & Address) were distributed for review and comment.

6. Goals and Accountability: Are you using spatial data with regard to performance?

a. List agency GPRA strategic plan goals specifically related to spatial data activities (or "none"): none

b. List agency GPRA performance measures specifically related to spatial data activities (or "none"): none

7. Strategy: Has your agency prepared a strategy for advancing geographic information and spatial data activities in coordination with the FGDC strategy, pursuant to Circular A-16?

Yes, USACE has a number of guidance documents in place that specifically address Circular A-16

8. Standards: Has your agency developed and/or adopted appropriate standards?

Yes, through the CADD/GIS Technology Center, the Corps has developed and implemented standards for collecting and building geospatial data content in a standard format using commercial GIS software (The Spatial Data Standards for Facilities Infrastructure and Environment). These standards also are the Corps implementation of relevant FGDC standards. USACE has developed a tool and procedures for producing FGDC compliant metadata.

9. Metadata: Is your agency's metadata and/or data available and discoverable online through an NSDI-compatible clearinghouse node registered as part of the NSDI Clearinghouse Network?

Yes, the Corps clearinghouse node is at

10. Vertical and Horizontal Data Integration: Is your data integrable with other Federal agencies and other sources of data (State, County, local, private)?

Yes, if the state, county, local, or private entity is using the SDSFIE the data can be integrated.

11. E-Gov: How are you using geospatial data in your mission activities to provide better services? (Please list)


1) USACE provides funding to OGC on developing web mapping technology. This technology is being implemented throughout USACE in order to better serve and share our data within the Agency and to the public.

2) USACE is in the process of serving all its Inland Water Way Navigation Data on the web in a consistent/standard format to support the Electronic Charting Industry/Community.

12. Are there areas or issues regarding spatial data that require attention, or lessons-learned that you would like to share with others? Please describe.

Historically, USGS and NOAA have charged fees to cover the cost of distribution for their geospatial data. With today's web based technology, the cost of distribution is negligible. However, USGS does not seem to be moving toward free distribution of their electronic products, but is instead turning distribution responsibility over to private industry. Additionally, USGS's policy has been that "edge matching" of their digital data is value added and the responsibility of private industry. It is USACE's position that "edge matching" of digital data is not value added, but part of the data production and the responsibility of the agency performing the mapping .. as it is with hardcopy map production.

USGS and NIMA use different geospatial data standards and formats. USACE has both a Civil and a tactical military mission. In order for the Corps to use a geospatial software or tool initially developed to support a military requirement (i.e. 3D rendering or terrain modeling) over the US, the Corps must write data importers to use the software to support its civil mission. The reverse is also true. For example, in an international flooding emergency, if USACE was asked to develop hydrologic models over an area, we would have to write data importers for NIMA data.

Many of the standards being used and developed are cartographic standards based on hardcopy production. Very few standards in development relate to databases, which is where the GIS industry is moving.

Local government data is not being addressed. Data standards need to be developed or identified that address the needs of local government. Data standards from large mapping agencies (such as USGS or NIMA) simply do not apply to local governments.

Part B
LEAD FEDERAL AGENCY/BUREAU AND/OR SUBCOMMITTEE/WORKING GROUP REPORT (Agencies With Lead Responsibilities Assigned under Current Circular A-16 Authorities) (Please provide a separate report for each activity for which you have the lead)

1. Program/Activity Name:

The Corps of Engineers is the Executive Agent for the CADD/GIS Technology center, which coordinates facilities, infrastructure and environmental use of large-scale Computer Aided Design and Drafting and Geographic Information Systems (CADD/GIS) activities within the Department of Defense (DOD), other participating governmental (federal, state and local) agencies, and the private sector. This includes setting standards, promoting system integration, supporting centralized acquisition, and providing assistance for the installation, training, operation, and maintenance of CADD/GIS and facilities management (FM) systems. This organization also serves as the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Working Group on Facilities, Infrastructure and the Environment, actively supporting the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI).

2. What are the programs this data supports?

The CADD/GIS Technology Center does not collect geospatial data, but develops standards that enable data collected by DoD Facilities, Corps District Offices, State and local Governments to be collected in a standard, coordinated fashion.

Very Briefly Describe All Applicable Items:
3. Uses of Data: What are the end uses of this data? How does it benefit customers, support lead and other agency missions, etc.?

Not applicable.

4. Charter/Plan: Do you have a current charter or plan for collection? Should it be updated?

The Facilities working group has both an updated Charter and a Business Plan, which promotes the NSDI philosophy throughout the DoD Installation community.

5. Metadata: What is the status of metadata? Is it discoverable and served through the NSDI Clearinghouse? What percentage of this theme's data has metadata and is in a Clearinghouse node?

Metadata training has been incorporated into all Corps of Engineers GIS courses and in the Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE). The CADD/GIS Technology Center hosted a Clearinghouse Node for DoD installations to post their metadata until Fiscal Year 2000. The Clearinghouse Node was taken out of service because it was not being used by DoD installations, primarily because there is no guidance from DoD instructing them to collect and post metadata.

6. Standards: What is the status of this theme's data, process, transfer, and classification standards?

Completed the Utilities Standard

Completed the CADD Profile

The SDSFIE content/classification standards are complete and in use. Currently, they have been submitted to ANSI, where they are expected to become a national standard in early Fiscal Year 2002.

The Facilities Working Group relies on private industry and OGC to develop transfer standards.

7. Progress: List FY 2000/2001 activities/progress to date (quantify where possible).

  • Worked with local governments to implement the SDSFIE (Kern County, CA and Birmingham, AL)
  • Worked with FAA on implementing the SDSFIE and GIS at over 40 airports (including Hopkins International, Ohio; Portland International, Maine; Atlanta International, Georgia; Ellington, Houston, Texas; Bush Intercontinental, Houston, Texas; Hobby Airport, Houston, Texas; Dallas-Fort Worth International, Texas; Logan International, Massachusetts; JFK International, New York; LaGuardia International, New York; Teterboro Airport, New York; Tulsa International, Oklahoma; Richard L. Jones Airport, Oklahoma; Indianapolis Airport, Indiana; Sky Harbor International, Arizona; Miami International, Florida; Orlando International, Florida; Jacksonville International, Florida; Van Nuys Airport, Los Angeles, California; Ontario Airport, Los Angeles, California; Palmdale Airport, Los Angeles, California; Los Angeles World Airport, Los Angeles, California; San Jose Airport, California; San Diego Airport, California; Hana Airport, Hawaii; Kalaupapa Airport, Hawaii; Kahului Airport, Hawaii; Kapalua Airport, Hawaii; Lanai Airport, Hawaii; Molokai Airport, Hawaii; Port Allen Airport, Hawaii; Lihue Airport, Hawaii; Honolulu International, Hawaii; Kaleloa Airport, Hawaii; Dillingham Airport, Hawaii; Ford Island Airport, Hawaii; Kona International, Hawaii; Hilo International, Hawaii; Waimea-Kohala Airport, Hawaii; and Upolu Airport, Hawaii.
  • Submitted the SDSFIE to ANSI and worked through the ANSI process.
  • FGDC-STD-010-2000 (Utilities Data Content Standard was incorporated into the SDSFIE.

8. Leadership: Describe your active leadership role with others (private, local, State, Federal) who collect and use this data.

The CADD/GIS Technology Center's mission is to serve as a multi-agency vehicle to coordinate facilities, infrastructure, and environmental use of CADD and GIS activities within DoD and with other participating governmental (federal, state, and local) agencies, and the private sector. The CADD/GIS Technology Center actively endorses the use of FGDC standards through their incorporation in the SDSFIE, technical reports, and guidance papers.

9. Collaborative Partnerships: How many major partnerships with others do you have on this theme? (list if desired)

The CADD/GIS Technology Center provides a forum and active collaborative partnership between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, Defense Logistics Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, General Services Administration, State Department, and National Institute of Buildings Sciences.

At least 28 local governments (including Bakersfield, California; Kern County Council of Governments, California; St. Charles County, Missouri; Yuba County, California; City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; City of Sterling Heights, Michigan; City of Orlando, Florida; City of Atlanta, Georgia; ADA County, Idaho; Garland, Texas; Wasco, California; Ridgecrest, California; Shafter, California; California City, California; Fresno County, California; Kings County, California; Madera County, California; Merced County, California; San Joaquin County, California; Stanislaus County, California; Tulane County, California; Wendall, North Carolina; Oak Island, North Carolina; Ocean Isle, North Carolina; Birmingham, Alabama; Allentown, Pennsylvania; Phoenix, Arizona; and Miami-Dade County, Florida) have reported that they use (or have used) the SDSFIE for GIS implementations.

At least 6 state government organizations (including Vermont Department of Transportation; State of Maryland Facility Management Office; Florida Department of Transportation; Nolin R.E.C.C., Kentucky; Florida Department of Transportation; Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality; and Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP)) have reported that they use (or have used) the SDSFIE for GIS implementations.

At least 11 Federal Government organizations (including U.S. Geological Survey, Rolla, Missouri; U.S. EPA ORD-NCEA, Washington, DC; The Presidio Trust, San Francisco, California; NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia; NASA Langley Research Center, Virginia; International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC; Housing & Urban Development, Tonawanda, New York; Federal Law Enforcement Training, Glynco, Georgia; U.S. EPA ODC/ESD/NERL/ORD, Las Vegas, Nevada; Department of Energy (EIA), Washington, DC; and Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage, Alaska) have reported that they use (or have used) the SDSFIE for GIS implementations.

At least 90 Department of Defense (DoD) offices & installations (31 USACE Districts/Divisions; 20 Army Installations (including National Guard); 15 Air Force; 15 Navy; and 6 Marine Corps) have reported that they use (or have used) the SDSFIE for GIS implementations.

At least 89 commercial organizations (e.g., contractors and software developers) and 7 universities have reported that they use (or have used) the SDSFIE for GIS implementations.

The CADD/GIS Technology Center is also partnering with the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) and Open GIS Consortium (OGC) in the development of object-based CADD and geospatial data standards.

10. Scope: Are you engaged in broad participation and international/global coordination?

The SDSFIE is applicable to GIS implementations and Military Installations outside of US borders and many countries have requested copies of the standard. Inchon Airport, Korea used the SDSFIE for it's GIS implementation.

11. Policy: Do you have a policy in place for full and open access or data sharing?

While DoD has no policy in place for full and open access of data sharing, USACE, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Army (DAIM), and Air Force (GeoBase Initiative) have policies in place, and the Army Range Sustainment Integration Council (ARSIC) has developed interim guidance.

12. Are there areas or issues regarding lead responsibilities for spatial data themes that require attention, or lessons-learned that you would like to share with others? Please describe.

GIS implementation requires thorough planning and adequate budgeting of resources (funds and manpower). The use of a GIS standard (e.g., SDSFIE) is critical to the success of a GIS implementation, whether it be for a local government or a DoD organization. GIS technology is changing at a rapid pace. Continual training in the use of GIS and database software, and in the proper implementation of the GIS standard is critical to the long-term success of GIS implementations. The planning process must also include procedures for keeping the GIS data up-to-date.