Appendix E. NSDI Strategic Plan – Fiscal Year 2015 Performance Summary

NSDI Plan Implementation Approach

The FGDC community is working collaboratively to implement the NSDI Strategic Plan. The FGDC Executive Committee has the lead responsibility for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the plan. Designated Federal officials, appointed from the FGDC Executive Committee, are serving as executive champions for each of the objectives in the plan. Implementation plans have been developed for each of the objectives in the strategic plan, describing how the actions will be implemented and measured. This summary describes the FY 2015 implementation status of all of the actions and tasks included in the NSDI Strategic Plan and implementation plans.



Performance Summary

The NSDI Strategic Plan includes three strategic goals, nine objectives, and 29 actions. The NSDI implementation plans include more detailed tasks and performance metrics for each of the actions in the strategic plan. The following is a summary of the implementation status:

  •  FY 2014. The status report includes 28 tasks for FY 2014. Of these tasks, 25 are reported as complete (shown in gray) and 3 are reported as not complete but in progress (shown in yellow).
    3 in
  •  FY 2015. The status report includes 36 tasks for FY 2015. Of these tasks, 24 are reported as complete (shown in gray) and 12 are reported as not complete but in progress (shown in yellow).
    in Progress
  •  FY 2016. The status report includes 20 draft tasks for FY 2016. Currently, all of these draft tasks are reported as on schedule (shown in green).
    On Schedule

The FGDC Executive Committee will continue to monitor the implementation of the goals and objectives in the NSDI Strategic Plan. The Executive Committee and FGDC Secretariat will continue to keep the FGDC community and key partners, such as the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, apprised of the status of implementation. The Executive Committee and Secretariat will also seek feedback on strategies to improve the implementation process and more effectively communicate results.

Additional information on the NSDI Strategic Plan, including the complete version of the FY 2015 Status Report, is available at



Objective 1.1: Develop geospatial interoperability reference architecture
Action 1.1.1. Establish reference architecture to assure interoperability utilizing published open-service standards to share data among unclassified, controlled unclassified information (CUI), and classified domains and missions.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop draft Geospatial Information Reference Architecture (GIRA) Metric: Completion of draft GIRA
FY 14 Target: Draft completed and prepared for distribution for comments
Complete Review by participating agencies Metric: Review of comments received from DHS, DOI, & NGA
FY 14 Target: 100% comments adjudicated
Complete Review by FGDC agencies Metric: Review of comments received
FY 14 Target: 100% of comments received adjudicated
Complete Final approval of GIRA by FGDC and transmittal to the Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council for inclusion as a Federal Enterprise Architecture reference document Metric: Transmittal of GIRA to Federal CIO Council
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Action 1.1.2. Define the role of the Geospatial Platform as a technology and collaboration environment for unclassified geospatial information sharing.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop components of GIRA that describe the role of the Geospatial Platform for information sharing Metric: Draft completed and prepared for distribution for comments
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Develop and present outreach and training materials to educate the community on the role of the Geospatial Platform for supporting information sharing Metric: Presentation on Geospatial Platform role for information sharing environment at one national geospatial meeting
Draft FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Action 1.1.3. Identify Federal CIO Council requirements, shared services, and other infrastructure that can be reused and leveraged by the NSDI, including access control, search, and discovery.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop and deliver briefing to CIO Council/Shared Services Executive Steering Committee on Geospatial Platform and NSDI Metric: Delivery of briefing
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Work with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Financial Management LoB (OMB MAX team) to identify collaboration and technology reuse opportunities Metric:Completion of outline/brief white paper on opportunities for sharing between MAX and Platform
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Develop white paper on use/sharing of technology components existing within Departments and among the OMB shared services for the benefit of the NSDI Metric: Completion of white paper
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
In Progress
Objective 1.2: Establish the Geospatial Platform as the Federal geospatial data, services, and applications Web-based service environment
Action 1.2.1. Establish Service Level or Interagency Agreements between and among government agencies and the Geospatial Platform Managing Partner.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Complete FY 14 Funding Agreements Metric: Completion of FY 14 Funding Agreements
FY 14 Target: 100% of Agreements completed
Complete Develop model Service Level Agreement (SLA) for customers hosting data on Platform Metric: Completion of model SLA
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
In Progress
Action 1.2.2. Establish the Geospatial Platform Oversight Body and develop its operating procedures, scope, and roles for Federal and non-Federal members.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Establish Charter for Geospatial Platform Oversight Body Metric: Completion of Charter
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
In Progress Establish Geospatial Platform Oversight Body Metric: Establishment of Oversight Body
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Action 1.2.3. Implement the primary contracting mechanism to continue Geospatial Platform development and operations and maintenance for FY 2014 and beyond.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Award contract for Geospatial Platform support Metric: Award of contract
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Action 1.2.4. Implement communities of interest on the Geospatial Platform for collaboration, including a shared investment planning “Marketplace” and data theme communities, as outlined in OMB Circular A–16.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Establish Geospatial Platform Marketplace as operational capability Metric: Establishment of Marketplace capability
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Establish initial capabilities for A–16 Theme communities on Geospatial Platform Metric: Establishment of initial capabilities for A–16 communities
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Define workflow for creating new communities on Geospatial Platform Metric: Completion of workflow document
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
In Progress
Action 1.2.5. Develop guidance for Federal agencies and their partners that describes how to use the Geospatial Platform to store and publish data and metadata and how to use services in the Platform’s common hosting infrastructure.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop draft guidance for use of the Geospatial Platform Metric: Completion of draft guidance
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Finalize metadata publication guidance for use of the Geospatial Platform Metric: Completion of final guidance
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Action 1.2.6. Solicit advice and recommendations from the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) and community partners on ways to expand and enhance the Geospatial Platform for broader use and value by the non-Federal community.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Include section on Geospatial Platform in 2014 FGDC Guidance to NGAC Metric: Inclusion of Platform language in 2014 NGAC Guidance
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Provide briefings and seek feedback from NGAC on Geospatial Platform developments Metric: Completion of NGAC briefings/feedback
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Action 1.2.7. Define the concept and develop an implementation plan for a “Data as a Service” (DAAS) offering within the Geospatial Platform Marketplace.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop concept paper for Platform Marketplace DAAS offering Metric: Completion of concept paper
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Complete implementation plan for Platform Marketplace DAAS offering Metric: Completion of implementation plan
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule
Objective 1.3: Expand the use of cloud computing
Action 1.3.1. Define the Department of the Interior (DOI) Foundation Cloud Services consumer requirements, scope of service levels, and repeatable workflows for Geospatial Platform users.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status
(1) Draft acquisition Task Order and government cost estimate for Cloud-IaaS using a DOI-sanctioned vehicle, and complete review by FGDC Executive Committee;
(2) Develop draft performance work statement measures/metrics
Metric: Completion of draft Task Order
FY 14 Target: 100% completed
Complete Execute Cloud IaaS Task Order to initiate Geospatial Platform server hosting Metric: Completion of final Task Order
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Complete memorandum announcing Shared Cloud hosting and managed services bundles Metric: Completion and distribution of memorandum and guide
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
In Progress
Action 1.3.2. Provide guidance, best practices, and case studies for agencies considering migration of agency stored content and services to commodity cloud providers.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop tools, resources, and informational materials to communicate with agencies and to assist with learning about geospatial cloud service options Metric: Completion of resource materials
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
In Progress Provide briefing to FGDC Steering Committee to introduce Geospatial Platform cloud offerings before FY 2016 expenditures and FY 2017 planning take place Metric: Completion of FGDC briefing
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
In Progress
Action 1.3.3. Develop an options paper for expanding the currently defined common hosting environment with capabilities available in the commercial market.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Perform and document market review of existing geospatial service hosting options that support endorsed standards to enable Platform community publishers to host compatible data and services Metric: Completion of market review
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule
Objective 1.4: Promote the use of geospatial multiagency acquisition vehicles for interagency and intergovernmental purchases
Action 1.4.1. Inventory available and planned geospatial acquisition vehicles open to Federal agencies and non-Federal partners.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Complete implementation Action Plan for Objective 1.4 Metric: Completion of Action Plan
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Create survey to be completed by FGDC Steering Committee members to identify inventory of geospatial acquisition solutions, to include cataloging any vehicles available for government-wide use Metric: Development of survey
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Steering Committee members complete and return the survey Metric: Completion of survey
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Contact GSA Federal Acquisition Service, NASA, DOI, HHS, others with known Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) to generate list of additional acquisition solutions Metric: Completion of list of GWACs
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Collect surveys and analyze results, to include determining and validating geospatial acquisition vehicles available for government-wide use Metric: Completion of analysis
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule
Action 1.4.2. Create a mechanism for sharing information on the availability and use of consolidated acquisition vehicles. Complete implementation Action Plan for Objective 1.4 Metric: Completion of Action Plan
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
Complete Identify point of contact with contact and online “link information” for each GWAC Metric: Identification of GWAC contact information
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Provide links on GeoPlatform to these solutions and post list of common acquisition vehicles to include acquisition type, period of performance, Ceiling, terms and conditions of use to GeoPlatform Metric: Posting of links on GeoPlatform Web site
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Review FGDC Steering Committee member responses to include their Statement of Work submissions, standardize as needed, and post to the GeoPlatform under a controlled access area of the Geoplatform Metric: Posting of links on GeoPlatform Web site
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule





Objective 2.1: Advance the portfolio management process for National Geospatial Data Assets (NGDA)
Action 2.1.1. Identify foundational NGDAs and high-priority data themes and datasets to be included in NSDI portfolio management.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Identify initial baseline of NGDA Datasets (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1B.1) Metric: Initial NGDA Datasets identified
Target: FY14 Q3, 100%
Complete Complete and submit NGDA Dataset Maturity Baseline Assessment (NGDA Management Plan: Action 2A.1) Metric: NGDA Dataset Maturity Assessment complete
Draft Target: FY15 Q1, 30%; FY15 Q4, 100%
In Progress Complete and submit NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Baseline Assessment (NGDA Management Plan: Action 2A.2) Metric: NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity complete
FY 16 Target: FY16 Q2, 100%;
On Schedule
Action 2.1.2. Define Federal roles and responsibilities in national data management, including metadata and data delivery, taking into account OMB Circular A–16 Supplemental Guidance portfolio management requirements, the Open Data Policy, Geospatial Platform,, and other relevant requirements.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop a process for selecting and maintaining Executive NGDA Theme Champions, NGDA Theme Leads, and NGDA Dataset Managers (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1A.1) Metric: Process developed and roles filled
FY 14 Target: FY14 Q4, 100%
Action 2.1.3. Finalize and implement the Circular A–16 Portfolio Implementation Plan to include reporting investments and defining investment requirements.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Review/revise the definition of geospatial investment and budget reporting codes (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1E.1) Metric: Geospatial Investment and Budget Reporting Codes defined
FY 15 Target: FY15 Q4, 100%
In Progress Apply the Geospatial Investment definition and budget reporting codes (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1E.2) Metric: Agencies have instituted revised definition and coding
FY 16 Target: FY16 Q4, 30%; FY17 and beyond, Ongoing
On Schedule Develop the A–16 NGDA portfolio-level processes, reporting requirements, and roles and responsibility requirements for Federal geospatial portfolio management (NGDA Management Plan: Action 2E.1) Metric: Developed the A–16 processes, reporting requirements, and roles and responsibility requirements
FY 15 Target: FY15 Q4, 100%
In Progress Develop a process for Federal agencies to identify resources required for managing geospatial data beyond their agency’s mission (NGDA Management Plan: Action 2E.2) Metric: Process developed
FY 16 Target: FY16 Q4, 100%
On Schedule
Action 2.1.4. Develop a process for monitoring and reporting on the progress of Circular A–16 Data Theme and Geospatial Platform Community management responsibilities, including the use and proliferation of content and technology standards.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Develop NGDA Dataset Maturity Baseline Assessment survey and tool (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1D.1) Metric: Survey and tool complete
FY 14 Target: FY14 Q4, 100%
Complete Develop NGDA Dataset report template and tool (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1D.2) Metric: Template and Tool complete
FY 15 Target: FY15 Q1, 100%
In Progress Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Baseline Assessment survey and tool (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1D.3) Metric: Survey and tool complete
FY 14 Target: FY14 Q4, 100%
In Progress Develop NGDA Strategic Theme Plan template and tool (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1D.4) Metric: Template and Tool complete
FY 15 Target: FY15 Q2, 100%
Complete Develop NGDA Theme Report template and tool (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1D.5) Metric: Template and Tool complete
FY 15 Target: FY15 Q3, 100%
In Progress Develop NGDA Services and (or) Applications Investment Report template, tool, and report (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1D.6) Metric: NGDA Services and Applications Investment Report template complete; CPIC harvesting algorithms complete; NGDA Services and Applications Investment Report complete
FY 16 Target: FY16 Q1, NGDA Services and Applications Investment Report template complete; CPIC harvesting algorithms complete; FY16 Q2, NGDA Services and (or) Applications Investment Report complete
On Schedule Develop NGDA portfolio summary report template and tool (NGDA Management Plan: Action 1D.7) Metric: Template and Tool complete
FY 16 Target: FY16 Q3, NGDA portfolio summary report template and tool complete
On Schedule
Objective 2.2: Identify potentially duplicative investments and opportunities for collaborative investments
Action 2.2.1.Provide guidance and instructions to Federal agencies on use of the Geospatial Platform Marketplace.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Provide FGDC guidance for use of the Marketplace to FGDC member agencies Metric: Submittal of guidance to FGDC agencies
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Provide draft guidance on use of the Marketplace that each FGDC member can customize for issuance of their own internal policies Metric: Submittal of draft guidance for customization to FGDC agencies
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Action 2.2.2. Develop process and technology implementation to track use of the Geospatial Platform Marketplace and cost savings/avoidance through its application..
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Prototype and (or) mockup of cost savings/avoidance report with ties to data sources and collection methodology Metric: Prototype submitted to FGDC Coordination Group for review and feedback
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
In Progress Implementation of Marketplace performance metrics dashboard on Metric: Dashboard available on
Draft FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule
Action 2.2.3. Solicit feedback from the Geospatial Platform user community on future requirements for Marketplace functionality.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Solicit feedback on Marketplace from attendees at national geospatial meetingss Metric: National conference presentations on Geospatial Platform given with feedback sessions
FY 14 Target: Presentations at two (2) national conferences





Objective 3.1: Lead and participate in the development and coordination of national and international standards applicable to the geospatial community
Action 3.1.1. Consult and collaborate with both existing and emerging geospatial communities to advance common standards and approaches.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Identify, monitor, and participate in existing and emerging external geospatial communities (for example, volunteered geographic information, indoor navigation, mobile applications) Metric: Periodic distribution of information about existing and potential opportunities for consultation and collaboration online
FY 14 Target: At least one information outreach cycle
Action 3.1.2. Develop strategic partnerships with existing standards development organizations.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Identify gaps and opportunities for partnerships with existing standards development organizations Metric: Register of FGDC participation in existing standards development organizations
FY 14 Target: 50% complete
Complete Encourage and maintain FGDC membership in existing standards organizations Metric: Periodic synopsis of participation in existing standards organizations published online
FY 14 Target: At least one publication cycle
Action 3.1.3. Provide technical and educational support to agencies implementing NSDI standards and engage the standards community through workshops or online information-sharing tools such as Web meetings or social media.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Identify means to provide wanted/needed technical and educational support to agencies implementing NSDI standards Metric: Register training opportunities
FY 14 Target: Needs assessment; 40% complete
In Progress Develop repeatable (yearly) process to provide information on technical and educational training opportunities Metric: Development of updated register of existing and planned standards training opportunities
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Continually update content on standards on, including dynamic information Metric: Information content about standards is continually maintained and updated on the FGDC website
FY 14 Target: Timely updates
Objective 3.2: Convene the leadership of the geospatial and nongeospatial communities to develop public/private partnerships and shared approaches for addressing critical national issues
Action 3.2.1. Engage with the NGAC, key geospatial organizations, and other stakeholders to inform policy decisions and collaboratively identify and address issues of common concern.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Complete 2014 FGDC Guidance to NGAC describing NGAC study topics and focus areas Metric: Completion of guidance
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Hold three in-person meetings with NGAC in FY 2014 Metric: Completion of in-person meetings
FY 14 Target: Three in-person NGAC meetings
Complete Hold NSDI Leaders Forum meetings to seek input and dialogue on key NSDI issues Metric: Completion of Leaders Forum meetings
FY 14 Target: One Leaders Forum meeting (Q4 FY 14)
Complete Collaborate with NGAC subcommittees to develop products addressing 2014 NGAC guidance Metric: Completion of NGAC products/papers addressing 2014 NGAC guidance
FY 15 Target: Adoption of all 2014 NGAC products/papers by December 2014
Complete Complete 2015 FGDC Guidance to NGAC, describing NGAC study topics and focus areas Metric: Completion of guidance
FY 15 Target: 00% complete
Complete Hold three in-person meetings with NGAC in FY 2015 Metric: Completion of in-person meetings
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
Complete Collaborate with NGAC subcommittees to develop products addressing 2015 NGAC guidance Metric: Completion of NGAC products/papers addressing 2015 NGAC guidance
FY 15 Target: Adoption of all 2014 NGAC products/papers by December 2015
Complete Complete 2016 FGDC Guidance to NGAC, describing NGAC study topics and focus areas Metric: Completion of guidance
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule Hold three in-person meetings with NGAC in FY 2015 Metric: Completion of in-person meetings
FY 16 Target: Three in-person NGAC meetings
On Schedule Collaborate with NGAC subcommittees to develop products addressing 2015 NGAC guidance Metric: Completion of draft NGAC products/papers addressing 2015 NGAC guidance
FY 16 Target: Development of draft 2015 NGAC products/ papers by October 2016
On Schedule
Action 3.2.2.Collaborate with the NGAC and other partners to review and develop common approaches to the issue of geolocation privacy.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Incorporate geolocation privacy into 2014 FGDC guidance to the NGAC Metric: Inclusion of geolocation privacy into 2014 NGAC guidance
FY 14 Target: 100% complete
Complete Collaborate with NGAC privacy subcommittee to address 2014 NGAC guidance Metric: Completion of NGAC products/papers addressing 2014 NGAC guidance on geolocation privacy
FY 15 Target: Completion of 2014 NGAC products/papers by FY15 Q2
Complete Hold joint FGDC–NGAC briefing for CIO Council Privacy Committee Metric: Completion of joint FGDC–NGAC briefing for CIO Council Privacy Committee
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Collaborate with NGAC Geospatial Privacy Subcommittee to define deliverables for 2015e Metric: Agreement on subcommittee deliverables for 2015
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Hold joint FGDC–NGAC panel presentation on geospatial privacy at CIO Council Privacy Summit Metric: Completion of joint FGDC–NGAC panel presentation at CIO Council Privacy Summit
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule
Objective 3.3: Raise awareness of the NSDI and its impact on critical national and international issues
Action 3.3.1. Develop and implement a communication strategy and outreach plan to promote the benefits of NSDI data and the goals of the NSDI Strategic Plan.
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Award Task Order under GeoPlatform support contract for communications/outreach support Metric: Award of Task Order
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Complete draft outline of NSDI/GeoPlatform communications strategy/implementation plan Metric: Completion of draft communications strategy/implementation plan outline
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Input from FGDC/NGAC on draft communications strategy/implementation plan Metric: Collection of input from FGDC/NGAC on draft communications strategy/ implementation plan
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Finalize NSDI/GeoPlatform communications strategy/implementation plan Metric: Completion of NSDI/GeoPlatform communications strategy/ implementation plan
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Complete NSDI communications toolkit, including fact sheets, templates, Web content, key messages, and so forth Metric: Completion of communications toolkit
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule
Action 3.3.2. Promote the vision of NSDI globally through active participation and support for activities, such as the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI), the United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), and the U.S. Group on Earth Observations (USGEO).
TaskPerformance IndicatorTask Status Provide technical support for GSDI Small Grants Program Metric: Completion of four GSDI Small Grant projects
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Organize and execute U.S. participation in 2015 Geospatial World Forum and the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) meeting Metric: Completion of U.S. participation in Geospatial World Forum and INSPIRE meetings
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Complete NSDI/GeoPlatform communications strategy/implementation plan, including international activities Metric: Completion of NSDI/GeoPlatform communications strategy/implementation plan
FY 15 Target: 100% complete
Complete Organize and execute U.S. participation in 12th Plenary Session of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO-XII), and the GEO 2015 Ministerial Summit (November 2015) Metric: Completion of U.S. participation in GEO-XII Plenary Session and GEO 2015 Ministerial Summit
FY 16 Target: 100% complete
On Schedule



Main Report

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F