Letter from Secretary Babbitt


United States Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C.

I am pleased to present this final report of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Community Demonstration Projects. Through these Demonstration Projects, Federal agencies have joined with local communities at six pilot sites across the nation to demonstrate that geographic information systems and other technology can be shared and used effectively to fight crime, encourage smart growth and help make communities become disaster-resilient. These projects demonstrate that the NSDI enables partnerships with Federal, state, and local governments, non-profit organizations, the business sector, and academia to share geospatial data to address the needs and interests of multiple parties.

As the Chair of the United States Federal Geographic Data Committee, I have seen substantial progress in the United States in developing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) as a truly national approach to making current and accurate geospatial data available to contribute to economic growth, environmental protection and social progress. We have seen the power of bringing all levels of governments together to work as partners with the private and academic sectors for a common purpose. We have also seen the power of forging common objectives while at the same time recognizing and preserving the ability of communities to solve their own problems.

Our commitment to partnerships grows through and by the support of the Vice President's National Partnership for Reinventing Government guaranteeing effective, efficient, and responsive government. The National Partnership for Reinventing Government not only renews America's commitment in fast and efficient government services but also improves Government services using new technologies and processes in concert with local communities, states, and non-profit groups.

I am please to share with you the success stories and findings of the six pilot studies supported by the NSDI Community Demonstration Projects.


Bruce Babbitt, Chair
Federal Geographic Data Committee