News | Standards | FGDC endorses the OGC® WaterML 2.0: Part 1- Timeseries Encoding Standard

OGC® WaterML 2.0: Part 1- Time series is an OGC® Encoding Standard for the representation of hydrological observations data with a specific focus on time series structures. WaterML2.0 is implemented as an application schema of the Geography Markup Language version 3.2.1, making use of the OGC® Observations & Measurements standards. 

WaterML2.0 is designed as an extensible schema to allow encoding of data to be used in a variety of exchange scenarios. Example areas of usage are: 

  • Exchange of data for operational hydrological monitoring programs; 
  • Supporting operation of infrastructure (e.g. dams, supply systems); 
  • Cross-border exchange of observational data; 
  • Release of data for public dissemination; 
  • Enhancing disaster management through data exchange;
  • Exchange in support of national reporting. 

This standard provides the framework under which time series can be exchanged with appropriate metadata to allow correct machine interpretation and thus correct use for further analysis. Existing systems should be able to use this model as a conceptual ‘bridge’ between existing schema or systems, allowing consistency of the data to be maintained.

FGDC member agencies NOAA and the USGS were among the organizations that submitted WaterML 2.0 to the Open Geospatial Consortium Inc.   WaterML 2.0 was developed and approved through OGC®’s rigorous voluntary consensus standard development and review process.  The FGDC Standards Working Group recommended OGC® WaterML 2.0: Part 1- Time series for FGDC endorsement.  The FGDC Coordination Group subsequently approve the standard for FGDC endorsement, and the FGDC Steering Committee took the final action of endorsing OGC® WaterML 2.0: Part 1- Time series.

For more information

Go to, which provides links for accessing the standard and official schemas.