When |
Jul 07, 2010
from 08:00 AM to 02:00 PM |
Where | room 11153 in NOAA building 4; 1305 East-West Highway; Silver Spring, MD 20910 |
Contact Name | Julie Binder Maitra |
Contact Phone | (703) 648-4627 |
Attendees |
Rick Pearsall (NGA), Doug Nebert (FGDC), Randy Fusaro (Census), Anne O'Connor (Census), Barry Reff (DHS/FEMA), Chris Madden (NatureServe), Judy Soule (NatureServe), Becky Allee (NOAA), Garry Mayer (NOAA), Robbie Wilson (NOAA), Jacquie Nolan (Library of Congress, by telecon), Bill Wilen (FWS) |
Add event to calendar |
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Read-aheads available at my.usgs.gov.
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard
Becky Allee gave an overview Presentation on the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS).
Rick Pearsall moved to recommend that the FGDC Coordination Group approve this standard for public review, Randy Fusaro seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted.
Because of the extraordinary effort and energy devoted to developing CMECS, the FGDC Standards WG opined that there should be no delay in forwarding the draft standard to the FGDC Coordination Group for approval for public review and recommended that it be put on the agenda of the July 20 FGDC Coordination Group meeting.
ACTION: Maitra will forward recommendation to the FGDC Secretariat for addition to the agenda of the July 20, 2010 FGDC Coordination Group meeting: Completed.
Standards for the Geospatial Platform
Rick Pearsall conducted a walkthrough of individual standards to recommend which of those should be endorsed for the Geospatial Platform and which should not be endorsed.
Doug Nebert conducted a second walkthrough, in which standards were classified into four categories: Reference and Abstract Standards (RAS), Common Encoding Standards (CES), Common Service Standards (CSS), and Content/Code Standards (CCS).
Reference and Abstract Standards (RAS) include standards and specifications that are general in nature, provide high-level guidance, and are typically implemented by other standards for encoding or service. RAS are provided to agencies for information and reference only, but compliance with and adoption of such abstract standards cannot be directly tested or required by agencies.
Common Encoding Standards (CES) specify the structure or format of geospatial information for specific application domains. CES are often coupled with, or provide the information content that is exchanged using Common Service Standards (CSS). CSS specify (Web) service interfaces over which standardized geospatial messages (requests and responses) are exchanged. Content/Code Standards (CCS) supply standard classifications, code lists, and enumerations that shall be used, where appropriate, to facilitate geospatial information exchange and cross-walks.
ACTION: Rick Pearsall will add scope and applicability statements to each standard: Completed.
ACTION: Maitra will forward package including the list of standards and report on external standards following guidelines in the FGDC Policy on Recognition of Non-Federally Authored Geographic Information Standards and Specifications for concurrence by the FGDC Standards WG prior to release to the FGDC Coordination Group: Completed.