Real Property Asset Data Standard

Document number


Maintenance Authority

General Services Administration (GSA)


The objectives of this geospatial data content standard, as defined in the original 2010 proposal and approved by the FGDC, are: 

  • To establish fundamental definitions for RPAs. These are foundational data essential to federal asset accountability. The data will provide the basis for support of federal real property management, homeland security, emergency response, high-performance green buildings management, and other federal government initiatives. 
  • To develop a minimum set of attributes describing RPAs, with standardized attribute values where appropriate.
  • To provide minimum geospatial standards for the collection of geospatial data on RPAs. 
  • To minimize the duplication of data collection and maintenance on federal RPA information and to allow aggregation of data from different sources.


The above objectives were expanded and give structure to the following four overarching constructs that frame the scope of this standard: 

  • The scope of this standard is to define the essential data needed to identify RPAs (buildings, land parcels, linear structures, and structures). 
  • While the objective of this effort is to define the geospatial context of RPAs, this standard is established within the context of the broader FGDC Real Property Theme. By first defining these fundamental elements of the Theme, the ability to adopt third -party consensus standards is increased, and the standard can be more readily adapted for other components (e.g. Public Housing) of the Real Property Geospatial Data Theme. 
  • This is a geospatial data content standard, but much of the attribute data inclusive to the standard is not geospatial in nature. Thus, where appropriate, harmonization with other data standardization efforts (e.g. NIEM, FRPP) should be maximized. 
  • The RPADS includes the minimal set of attributes needed to: 
    • Locate RPAs on a map 
    • Identify what the RPA is

Project history

Document Version Date Custodian Comments
Proposal     2010-01 FGDC Standards Working Group
 Real Property Data Asset Standard, FGDC-STD-019-2014    2014 GSA