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The Infrastructures Part 2 Symbology Evaluation (takes approximately 10 minutes)

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1.) Public Venues Infrastructure
Public Venues Infrastructure

Public Venues Infrastructure (Theme) - An unrestricted place or places and events for a large gathering of people. (Source: Modified from www.dictionary.com.)
2.) Church
(Public Venues Feature)

Church (Public Venues Feature) - A building for public and especially Christian worship. (Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
3.) Enclosed Facility
(Public Venues Feature)
Enclosed Facility

Enclosed Facility (Public Venues Feature) - A roofed facility with walls.
4.) Mosque
(Public Venues Feature)

Mosque (Public Venues Feature) - A building used for public worship by Muslims. (Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
5.) Open Facility
(Public Venues Feature)
Open Facility

Open Facility (Public Venues Feature) - An open air facility with or without walls, e.g., stadium, parking lot, etc.
6.) Recreational Area
(Public Venues Feature)
Recreational Area

Recreational Area (Public Venues Feature) - A place dedicated to the refreshment of strength and spirits after work. (Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
7.) Religious Institution
(Public Venues Feature)
Religious Institution

Religious Institution (Public Venues Feature) - Any place of worship where religious services are held or prayers said by congregation loyal to a belief.
8.) Synagogue
(Public Venues Feature)

Synagogue (Public Venues Feature) - The house of worship and communal center of a Jewish congregation. (Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
9.) Temple
(Public Venues Feature)

Temple (Public Venues Feature) - A building for Mormon sacred ordinances. (Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
10.) Special Needs Infrastructure
Special Needs Infrastructure

Special Needs Infrastructure (Theme) - Of or relating to people who have specific needs, as those associated with a disability. (Source: www.dictionary.com, The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.)
11.) Adult Day Care
(Special Needs Feature)
Adult Day Care

Adult Day Care (Special Needs Feature) - The locus of a non-residential facility that provides supervision and assisted living services to adults, typically during the daylight hours.
12.) Child Day Care
(Special Needs Feature)
Child Day Care

Child Day Care (Special Needs Feature) - A service involving care for other people's children. (Source: www.dictionary.com, WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University.)
13.) Elder Care
(Special Needs Feature)
Elder Care

Elder Care (Special Needs Feature) - The locus of a nursing home or a residential assisted living facility in which full-time care is provided for chronically ill, disabled, and elderly.
14.) Telecommunications Infrastructure
Telecommunications Infrastructure

Telecommunications Infrastructure (Theme) - The electronic systems used in transmitting messages, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, television or computer. (Source: www.dictionary.com, The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.)
15.) Telecommunications Facility
(Telecommunications Feature)
Telecommunications Facility

Telecommunications Facility (Telecommunications Feature) - Any facility housing telecommunications equipment, studios, control rooms, or personnel.
16.) Telecommunications Tower
(Telecommunications Feature)
Telecommunications Tower

Telecommunications Tower (Telecommunications Feature) - A structure typically higher than its diameter and high relative to its surroundings to which telecommunications antennae are affixed. (Source: Adapted from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
17.) Transportation Infrastructure
Transportation Infrastructure

Transportation Infrastructure (Theme) - Infrastructure, means of transport, and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers and-or goods. (Source: http://dict.die.net.)
18.) Air Traffic Control Facility
(Transportation Feature)
Air Traffic Control Facility

Air Traffic Control Facility (Transportation Feature) - A facility operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic. (Source: The Federal Aviation Administration glossary; link at: http://www.fly.faa.gov/Products/Glossary_of_Terms/ glossary_of_terms.html.)
19.) Airport
(Transportation Feature)

Airport (Transportation Feature) - An area of land or other hard surface, excluding water, that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, and includes its buildings and facilities, if any. (Source: The Federal Aviation Administration glossary; link at: http://wildlife-mitigation.tc.faa.gov/public_html/manuals/glossary.pdf.)
20.) Bridge
(Transportation Feature)

Bridge (Transportation Feature) - A structure built over a gap to connect and maintain transportation flow between either sides of the gap. (Source: Modified from Webster’s New World Dictionary.)
21.) Bus Station
(Transportation Feature)
Bus Station

Bus Station (Transportation Feature) - A terminal that serves bus passengers. (Source: www.hyperdictionary.com.)
22.) Ferry Terminal
(Transportation Feature)
Ferry Terminal

Ferry Terminal (Transportation Feature) - The location of a vehicle-carrying and commuter boat line terminus. (Source: Modified from www.dictionary.com.)
23.) Helicopter Landing Site
(Transportation Feature)
Helicopter Landing Site

Helicopter Landing Site (Transportation Feature) - A site within a landing zone that contains one or more points for helicopters to land. (Source: Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library, military terms glossary. Link at: http://www.adtdl.army.mil/cgi-bin/atdl.dll/fm/3-21.38/gloss.htm.)
24.) Lock
(Transportation Feature)

Lock (Transportation Feature) - An enclosed part of a canal or river equipped with gates for raising or lowering the level of water so that boats and other vessels may pass. (Source: Modified from Webster’s New World Dictionary.)
25.) Maintenance Facility
(Transportation Feature)
Maintenance Facility

Maintenance Facility (Transportation Feature) - A location where vehicles, machines or any other mechanical devices are serviced for inspection or repair. (Source: Modified from www.hyperdictionary.com.)
26.) Port
(Transportation Feature)

Port (Transportation Feature) - A location on a waterway with facilities for loading and unloading ships and other vessels. (Source: www.dictionary.com, The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.)
27.) Rail Station
(Transportation Feature)
Rail Station

Rail Station (Transportation Feature) - A depot where tracked transport vehicles or trains load and-or unload passengers or goods. (Source: www.hyperdictionary.com, modified definition from ‘depot.’)
28.) Rest Stop
(Transportation Feature)
Rest Stop

Rest Stop (Transportation Feature) - A roadside facility at which motorists may purchase refreshments, use restrooms and-or acquire area information.
29.) Ship Anchorage
(Transportation Feature)
Ship Anchorage

Ship Anchorage (Transportation Feature) - A location suitable for securely anchoring ships and other vessels. (Source: www.dictionary.com, Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.)
30.) Toll Facility
(Transportation Feature)
Toll Facility

Toll Facility (Transportation Feature) - A gate or booth at which money is collected before and-or after motorists enter or exit a toll road (turnpike). (Source: Modified from Webster’s New World Dictionary.)
31.) Traffic Control Point
(Transportation Feature)
Traffic Control Point

Traffic Control Point (Transportation Feature) - The location of absolute signals controlled by an operator to regulate and maintain transportation flow.
32.) Traffic Inspection Facility
(Transportation Feature)
Traffic Inspection Facility

Traffic Inspection Facility (Transportation Feature) - Permanent facility equipped with scales where motor (shipping) vehicles transporting goods on public highways are required to stop and obtain gross vehicle and/or axle weights. (Source: Nextlinx, Link: http://www.nextlinx.com/tools_gloss10U.html. Definition of ‘weigh station’.)
33.) Tunnel
(Transportation Feature)

Tunnel (Transportation Feature) - An underground passageway used to connect and maintain transportation flow between a physical or human-built obstruction. (Source: Modified from Webster’s New World Dictionary.)
34.) Water Supply Infrastructure
Water Supply Infrastructure

Water Supply Infrastructure (Theme) - The storage, disinfection, filtration and provision of drinking water to the consumer/community by means of pipelines, pumps, water towers, wells and other appurtenances. (Source: County of Maui (Hawaii) Water Supply glossary. Link at: http://mauiwater.org/glossary.html. Hybrid definition of ‘water system’ and ‘treated water.’ )
35.) Critical Valves
(Water Supply Feature)
Critical Valves

Critical Valves (Water Supply Feature) - A valve which regulates the speed, flow or pressure of a fluid. (Source: “Valve World” glossary, definition of ‘control valve.’ Link at: http://www.valve-world.net/glossary/index.asp.)
36.) Dam
(Water Supply Feature)

Dam (Water Supply Feature) - A barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water. (Source: www.dictionary.com, The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.)
37.) Discharge Outfall
(Water Supply Feature)
Discharge Outfall

Discharge Outfall (Water Supply Feature) - The volume of effluent that is released into receiving waters at a given location and within a given period of time. (Source: Hybrid definition from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency glossary (term ‘outfall’) and from the United States Geologic Evaluation (term ‘discharge’). Modified. Links at: http://www.epa.state.oh.us/ddagw/Documents/swapdocglo.pdf and http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/dictionary.html.)
38.) Ground Well
(Water Supply Feature)
Ground Well

Ground Well (Water Supply Feature) - An artificial excavation drilled into the ground for the purposes of withdrawing water from the underground aquifers. Source: Modified from the USGS Water Science glossary. Link at: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/dictionary.html.)
39.) Pumping Station
(Water Supply Feature)
Pumping Station

Pumping Station (Water Supply Feature) - Facility that lifts water up and over hills. (Source: Ridenbaugh Press. Link at: http://www.ridenbaugh.com.)
40.) Reservoir
(Water Supply Feature)

Reservoir (Water Supply Feature) - An off-steam water storage facility that is filled with water pumped from a river or stream. (Source: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency glossary (term ‘upground reservoir’). Link at: http://www.epa.state.oh.us/ddagw/Documents/swapdocglo.pdf)
41.) Storage Tower
(Water Supply Feature)
Storage Tower

Storage Tower (Water Supply Feature) - A large (usually metallic) container for holding gases or liquids. (Source: www.hyperdictionary.com.)
42.) Surface Water Intake
(Water Supply Feature)
Surface Water Intake

Surface Water Intake (Water Supply Feature) - A pipe through which wastewater is transferred directly to another site. (Source: USGS Water Resources of New Hampshire and Vermont glossary. Hybrid definition of ‘intake pipe’ and ‘surface water return flow.’ Link at: http://nh.water.usgs.gov/Publications/OFR01-328/ofr01-328_glossary.pdf.)
43.) Water Treatment Facility
(Water Supply Feature)
Water Treatment Facility

Water Treatment Facility (Water Supply Feature) - A place designed to receive the wastewater from domestic sources and to remove materials that damage water quality and threaten public health and safety when discharged into receiving streams or bodies of water. (Source: USGS Water Science glossary. Link at: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/dictionary.html.)



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